
Client & Colleague Testimonials

Below are testimonials from former clients and colleagues of Attorneys Barry, Willard, and Gittleman.  More client testimonials can be found at the third-party review site, avvo.com, available at this link. Results cannot be guaranteed and each case’s result depends on its specific facts and circumstances. Any opinion expressed below is solely that person’s opinion and not an endorsement from any Governmental Organization. Contact us today for a free case consultation on your specific case.

Client Testimonials

“My name is CW2(P) David Davenport. I was stationed at Fort Campbell, KY. I was falsely accused of committing aggravated assault. I was given a bad officer evaluation report and a letter of reprimand from the Commanding General as if I was already guilty of the charges against me. The command then initiated separation against me to determine if I would be able to retire with my 24 years of military service with full benefits. Attorney Barry became my legal counsel.

He went above and beyond the call of duty to ensure we were prepared for our case. He gave excellent legal advice while also being a mediator with my chain of command. We won the case and I was retained on active duty. I would recommend Attorney Barry to anyone in need of a great legal counsel. He is professional and experienced.”

- CW2, U.S. Army

“I tested positive for cocaine twice and the command initiated separation proceedings against me. The Government was seeking an other than honorable discharge. Attorney Barry fully investigated the circumstances of my urinalysis test, to include reviewing my complete mental health records. In do so, he discovered a number of important details pertaining to my case, my command’s failure to follow the recommendations of my behavioral health providers, and several other failures of my command to take care of me. Because of Attorney Barry’s hard work and advocacy, I was retained in the Army and allowed to medically retire.”

- E7, U.S. Army

“Attorney Barry is the best lawyer to have on your side! He has a way of always staying positive, yet realistic, and has two ears that are great at listening when you feel the need to just be listened to. When you need advice, support and affirmation, HE IS THE GUY! Attorney Barry is the best person, let alone lawyer I could have asked for to be on my side when I was going through my tough times. If I or anybody I knew ever needed counsel, he would definitely by the first one I called without a doubt!”

- E1, U.S. Army

“Attorney Barry truly had my back when I felt like nobody else did. He fought very hard for my life and my freedom. Attorney Barry never gave up and fought until the end for me. He helped me clear my name when false allegations were made against me. I want to thank Attorney Barry for everything. He kept me with my family and I consider him family. I will never forget what he did for me.”

- E4, U.S. Army

“In September of 2018 my case was referred to a Special Court Martial on the charges of Article 128, Assault Consummated by a Battery, and Article 134, Obstruction of Justice. The Government was alleging that I unlawfully struck my wife with a car door and forcefully pulled the glasses of her face. They were also alleging that I threw her phone on the ground in an effort to prevent her from calling the cops. Attorney Barry was my lawyer.

I was always informed and aware of everything there was to do with my case, because of Attorney Barry’s efforts. I knew it would be an uphill battle to prove my innocence and to clear my name; but, this did not deter Attorney Barry in the slightest. Attorney Barry gave me great and candid advice. It was his advice that gave me the greatest hope especially when the government didn’t seem to care about the truth.

At no point during the lead up to trial was I misinformed and I always had a very clear picture of the mechanisms and process of what I was going to face. Attorney Barry made me aware of cross examination and the manner of how I would have to conduct myself during trial. Attorney Barry also made sure that prior to trial he put me up against the hardest cross examination possible to make sure I was ready.

During trial, Attorney Barry actively kept me informed on the direction the case was going even in the court room. Attorney Barry would look at my notes, but remain completely focused on the job at hand. Every time we had a break, Attorney Barry would war game every aspect of the case and I was involved in it all. Attorney Barry honestly was amazing to me as I would ask questions such as “What do you think would happen next?” and “What direction do you think the trial is going?” He would always give me his honest opinion.

During the trial, I had my mom behind me and Attorney Barry would always ask her how she was doing and feeling. He did not have to do this, but he genuinely cares about people. Attorney Barry would read demeanor of the prosecutors and know when and how to use witnesses. I was always informed and knew what Attorney Barry was going to do.

The trial was two days and Attorney Barry planned for 5 Months; in the end it took the Jury less than 30 minutes to find me Not Guilty.
Attorney Barry is a man of his word and one of the most loyal people I have ever met with in my 20 years in the Army. Attorney Barry impressed me, my family, and my friends with his ability to win at trial.”

- E6, U.S. Army

“I HIGHLY RECOMMEND Attorney Barry for your legal needs.

I’m a Captain in the U. S. Army and Attorney Barry represented me during a Board of Inquiry to determine if I was retainable in the Army.
A Major General ordered the board to take place and I believed since a General wanted this hearing to happen, I felt I had no hope of being retained. I met with Attorney Barry at the U. S. Army Trial Defense Services office and after explaining what happened he informed me that I had a chance of being retained. That was the first time I had ever had the feeling that I could possibly be retained and save my career. He listened to me and helped me keep calm through the whole process. He worked diligently on my case and always had time to answer my questions or concerns. He was easy to communicate with either in person, by email, by text, or over the phone.

Attorney Barry has an exceptionally strong eye for detail that was a benefit to our stance on more than one occasion. He researched state law and determined the prosecutor was planning to use evidence that was expunged and could not be legally used during the board. The prosecutor eventually agreed. He also has a very calm demeanor that was a blessing for myself and character witnesses in and out of the hearing proceedings. He personally worked with all of my character witness and prepared them for the board.

Even as the Board date changed, he immediately was on the phone informing all parties involved of the updates. Attorney Barry’s strong sense of organization helped him to always be aware and have the upper-hand in my case. He prepared my defense in a logical order to be presented to the board members. This helped build my case as he walked the Board Members through my military and personal life. The Board recommended that I be retained and I still serve today.

Attorney Barry, my family and I are always grateful for the dedication and commitment you showed to my case.”

- O3, U.S. Army

“Attorney Barry was an enormous asset during my legal battle to separate from the Army on my own terms. After beginning the process of leaving the Army, I was faced with the prospect of having my service unfairly characterized at a level less than Honorable. Attorney Barry was able to lay out my options in a manner that was concise and informative, and tirelessly pursued a creative defense strategy by every means available to him.

Attorney Barry was never anything but bluntly honest about his judgment of my chances and the obstacles I was facing. His consistent communication, optimism, and professional demeanor steadied me, and gave me confidence in my course of action. His attention to detail and motivation to provide the best defense that he could also ensure that the opposing counsel adhered to all necessary procedures. Because of Attorney Barry’s assistance, I was able to leave with the Honorable discharge that I deserved. I am very grateful to him. To anyone considering retaining his services, I cannot recommend him enough.”

- O2, U.S. Army

“I felt extremely lucky to have Attorney Barry represent me and my interests before, during and after my proceedings. As his client, I was always informed on the legal process and the likelihood of certain outcomes. Attorney Barry defended my interests better than I could have asked for or expected. I am forever grateful for the quality of his work and his overall service. I would recommend him to any friend and/or loved one in need of superior legal representation.”

- E6, U.S. Army

“Attorney Barry listened to understand my situation and then presented possible outcomes based on his experience practicing law. He laid out clear options and provided his recommendations. Things progressed as he thought they would, and he was present throughout the answer questions and be the advocate I needed. I recommend his services.”

- O3, U.S. Army

“Going through my separation board was a difficult time, but Attorney Barry ensured it didn’t have to be more difficult than it already was. He took the time to listen, explain how it works, and gave good advice. He was always happy to provide updates on the status of the case and walked me through things step by step. I couldn’t have asked for a better overall experience with a less than ideal situation.”

- E7, U.S. Army

"Attorney Matthew Barry was my defense attorney while stationed at Fort Campbell, Kentucky. In March of 2016 I was charged with three felonies and two misdemeanors. The charges were attempted homicide, two counts of aggravated assault, and two counts of reckless endangerment. My unit was determined to separate me due to the charges. All but one charge was dropped on the civilian side.

At the separation board, Attorney Barry convinced that board that I acted in self-defense and I was retained. I would use Attorney Barry again without a doubt.”

- E1, U.S. Army

“Attorney Barry was really helpful with my case. He took the time and was detailed in going over every piece of paperwork and approached the case from every angle possible. Even when things may not have looked promising, he still didn’t give up on me. I couldn’t have had a better person represent me. He is very knowledgeable and resourceful.”

- SSG, U.S. Army

“Attorney Barry was my professional legal counsel while I was at Fort Campbell, KY.  Over the course of a year Attorney Barry worked consistently and provided the upmost professional advice. His work ethic, knowledge of the uniformed code of military justice, and civilian law resulted in me winning my case.  Without his expert services I would not have been successful.  Attorney Barry is a credit to his trade and should be the first lawyer in mind when considering counsel.”

- SGT, U.S. Army

“Attorney Barry is a dedicated lawyer who goes the extra mile to ensure the facts of your case are accurately depicted. He understands the challenges faced by military members and their families when investigations are biased and has the unique ability to challenge said investigations. I could not have had better legal representation. He saw my case through and never gave up.”

- MAJ, U.S. Army

Colleague Testimonials

“Matt Barry is one of the most effective defense attorneys I have ever seen. He is a natural litigator with first-rate trial instincts, a rare appreciation for strategy, and an unmatched polish in the courtroom. His formidability at trial aside, two things set Matt apart from the rest of the defense bar: the depth of his concern for clients and his disarming likability, which I have personally witnessed him leverage to those clients’ benefit to achieve creative and favorable alternatives to trial. Matt would be my first choice if I ever found myself in need of representation with any military matter whatsoever.”

- CPT, U.S. Army

“Having had the privilege to know Matthew Barry while I served as an active duty Army prosecutor and then as an Army Defense Counsel during the last few years, I can say from my personal interaction and discussion with Matthew that he is the person and the lawyer you want on your side in the courtroom.

His legal skills, case management, preparation, motions practice, and overall presence in front of the military judge and panels of senior Commissioned and Noncommissioned Officers is unsurpassed. As a fellow Judge Advocate, I was fortunate enough to work with and learn so much from Matthew, and I have never met a fellow attorney, military or civilian, who cares so much for Soldiers and the legal rights of Soldiers throughout the military justice process.

Matthew is an expert in the field of military justice, and I would be honored to work with him again or have him represent one of my Soldiers.”

- CPT, U.S. Army

“I worked with Matt and practiced with him at Fort Campbell. His devotion to his clients was absolutely unsurpassed. The prosecutors came at Matt and his clients hard, but that just made Matt redouble his efforts. He was tireless, brilliant, and devoted to the Constitutional, legal, and regulatory rights of people who had been accused of or suspected of crimes. Whether it was an administrative investigation, a company-grade Article 15, or a contested General Court-Martial, Matt doggedly pursued the facts, talking to investigators and witnesses, poring over every document and piece of evidence, consulting with experts in various disciplines, and running down the applicable legal rules precedents for the situation. His devotion to his clients was matched by his skill in the courtroom and at the bargaining table.”

- Clarksville Defense Attorney

“I served with Attorney Barry in the U.S. Army’s 14th Military Intelligence Battalion. Attorney Barry was always the hardest worker, the most organized, and the most task-oriented person on every assignment. His attention to detail made those around him that much better because he saw and planned everything before it happened. Even though he was younger than me, I admired and looked up to him at times. There is no better lawyer to have in your corner than Attorney Barry!”

- SFC, U.S. Army

“I worked alongside Attorney Barry for several years during my Army career. While accomplishing stressful and complicated missions, he was always a steadfast example of integrity and personal leadership, with the highest degree of competence. In my mind, his character exemplifies trust and someone you want on your side.”

- James M. Williams (US Army Retired, Christiansburg, VA)

“Attorney Barry is one of the top three officers I had the privilege of serving with in the Army. One of the main reasons why I hold him in high regards is because his concern for his fellow Soldiers was always genuine.  He takes a principled approach to his work and his success as a leader comes from his attentive and diligent nature.”

- SGT, U.S. Army

“I was fortunate and honored to have served alongside Attorney Barry in the Army for a period of 2-3 years. While he was my Commanding Officer he demonstrated integrity, equality, professionalism, and determination to provide the best leadership to those in his charge. I have been in the military for 12 years now, and have reached out to Attorney Barry on multiple occasions throughout this time. No matter the situation, he was always willing to provide legal advice, recommendations, and assistance in any way he could. His attention to detail, reliability, and compassion for justice and equality is what made him an outstanding officer and colleague; among the best I’ve worked with. I would definitely recommend Attorney Barry to assist anyone in need of legal advice, assistance, or services.”

- SFC, U.S. Army

“Attorney Barry has to be one of the most professional, proficient, intelligent, and deeply caring
attorneys that I have ever had the pleasure of working with. In the last 11 years I've worked
directly with about 22 to 25 attorneys, and can truly say that Matthew Barry has been one of the
greatest attorneys I have ever worked for. Through his diligence and knowledge of the law, I witnessed a
legal representative going above and beyond to truly take care of Soldiers, their family
members, and zealously upholding the rule of law when others would not. You could not find a
better person or attorney to represent you or your case than Matt Barry. This is someone who
will investigate every aspect of the case and guarantee legitimacy and due process for his
clients. While I have learned a lot over the years from different attorneys, I can honestly say
that Attorney Barry truly inspired not only his coworkers but his paralegals and clients as well.
He truly cares about his clients and their case, and works tirelessly hour after hour to get them
the justice they deserve and to ensure that their side of the story is heard. I am deeply honored
at having had the opportunity to work for, with, and observe a truly phenomenal attorney like
Attorney Barry.”

- SSG, U.S. Army

"I had the pleasure of working with Attorney Barry from 2009-2011 in which he was our battalion assistant Operations Officer. There was no task too difficult for him to handle and "no" was never the first answer from his mouth. His hard work and dedication enabled our unit that returned from a combat mission in Iraq to reset, refit and redeploy once again within a few months to a different theater with 100 percent of personnel trained and certified. He is trust worthy and loyal to those whom he serves. It was an honor working with Attorney Barry and he is one of the few I consider a mentor and continue to stay in contact with."

- SFC, U.S. Army

"It was a privilege to serve with Attorney Barry both in Iraq and Afghanistan.  As a leader, he was fair and compassionate.  I have yet to meet a person who has matched his level of work ethic and integrity."

-CW3, U.S. Army