Courts-Martial Case Results

Our Case Results

Below are summaries of cases that Attorneys Barry, Willard, and Gittleman have worked on. Results cannot be guaranteed and each case’s results depend on its specific facts and circumstances. Contact us today for a free case consultation on your specific case!

Courts-Martial Case Results

August 2024 – The accused faced a general court-martial accusing her of lying about being sexually assaulted to NCIS on numerous occasions, feigning hallucinations to receive disability compensation, and PPP Loan Fraud

Result: Negotiated Plea Deal – more than half of the charges dismissed - less than a year in jail

The accused, a Sailor, was charged with lying about being sexually assaulted to NCIS on numerous occasions, feigning hallucinations to receive disability compensation, and PPP Loan Fraud. Attorney Barry represented the accused throughout the duration of the Court-Martial, filing numerous motions and getting numerous experts appointed to assist.  Attorney Barry was successful in getting the Court and Government to recognize the accused's serious mental health conditions, which actually resulted in her being declared incompetent to stand trial for several months.  The Government ultimately agreed to a plea deal which allowed the accused to go to jail for less than a year instead of having to go through the time and expense that would be required to go to trial. The accused will leave the Navy without a felony due to the amount of jail time received.

April 2024 – The accused faced a general court-martial with more than twenty charges alleged against him, including several allegations of sexual assault and domestic violence against his former spouse

Result: Negotiated Plea Deal – No sex offender registration, Not Guilty of All Sex-Related Charges and Not Guilty to Five of Six Domestic Violence Charges – Plea to one domestic violence charge for pushing his wife into the side of a vehicle, one allegation of larceny of government property, one allegation of possession and use of an illegal substance, and four allegations of violating a lawful order. The accused received the minimum of the plea deal with only four months confinement adjudged, which amounted to time-served

The accused was charged with twenty-two separate offenses as part of his general court-martial, including allegations of sexual assault, aggravated sexual contact, abusive sexual contact, six allegations of domestic violence, one charge of larceny of government property, one allegation of use and possession of an illegal substance, communicating a threat, obstruction of justice, one charge of extramarital sexual conduct, one allegation of violating a general order, one allegation of violating General Article 134 and four allegations of willfully disobeying a commissioned officer. Based solely on the severity of the charged offenses, the accused faced nearly 100 years in confinement and potential sex offender registration. After coming onto the case, Attorney Willard thoroughly reviewed all the evidence and conducted numerous pretrial interviews with witnesses involved in the case to help the accused prepare his defense in advance of trial. Ultimately, the Government accepted a negotiated plea deal where the accused accepted responsibility for a minor domestic charge of pushing his wife into a vehicle, a charge of illegal drug use and possession, one charge of larceny of government property and four violations willfully violating orders from his commissioned officer. At the conclusion of his trial, the accused received only four months confinement (which had already been served), and he did not have to register as a sex offender.

April 2024 – The accused faced a Court Martial for allegations of Rape, Sexual Assault, Indecent Exposure, Revenge Porn, Indecent Conduct, and Harassment

Result: No Sex Offender Registration

The accused, an Army E4, faced a Court Martial for allegations of Rape, Sexual Assault, Indecent Exposure, Revenge Porn, Indecent Conduct, and Harassment. There were five different alleged victims making similar accusations. Attorney Barry represented the accused over multiple years while his trial progressed.  Attorney Barry thoroughly investigated the case which resulted in the discovery of new evidence and witnesses.  Ultimately, after years of work, the Government agreed to a deal that sent the accused to jail, but did not require him to register as a sex offender.

April 2024 – The accused faced a Court Martial for allegations of criminal gang activity, drug importation, and taking unapproved OCONUS leave

Result: Sentenced to under five years in jail

The accused, an Army E9 (SGM), faced a Court-Martial after being arrested at the Southern Border with over a million dollars worth of methamphetamine in his vehicle. He was accused of being a member of a drug cartel, importing millions of dollars of drugs in the United States, and taking OCONUS leave dozens of times without proper approval. After thoroughly investigating the case, Attorney Barry recognized that a plea bargain was in the accused's best interests.  Despite facing over 15-years in jail, Attorney Barry negotiated a deal resulting in the dismissal of the majority of the charges and under 5 years of confinement.

March 2024 – The accused faced a Court Martial for allegations of Rape of a Child and Sexual Assault

Result: Half of the Charges Dismissed before Trial; Not Guilty of Half of the remaining Charges

The accused, an Army E5, faced a Court Martial for allegations Rape of a Child and Sexual Assault.  Attorney Barry aggressively investigated the case and started to build a Defense, resulting in half of the charges being dismissed before trial.  Attorney Barry also prepared a thorough Defense for the remaining charges and represented him at trial, resulting in the accused being found Not Guilty of half of the remaining charges. While the accused still received punishment, his punitive exposure was significantly reduced.

February 2024 – The accused faced a Court Martial for allegations of Rape, Sexual Assault, and Domestic Violence

Result: All charges withdrawn and dismissed prior to trial – no sex offender registration, no conviction, no jail time, and no punitive discharge; the accused continued to serve with no adverse information in his AMHRR

The accused, an Army E4, faced a Court Martial for allegations of Rape, Sexual Assault, and Domestic Violence.  Attorney Barry represented the accused and collected a substantial amount of evidence demonstrating that the complaining witness was lying.  One week before trial, the prosecutor agreed and dropped all charges.  The accused faced no other adverse action and was allowed to continue to serve in the Army.

November 2023 – The accused faced allegations of abusive sexual contact, sexual harassment, assault, maltreatment, conduct unbecoming an officer, and obstruction of justice

Result: All charges withdrawn and dismissed prior to trial – no sex offender registration, no conviction, no jail time, and no punitive discharge; the accused agreed to leave the Army with an administrative discharge

The accused, an Army CPT and former Company Commander, faced a Court Martial with allegations of abusive sexual contact, sexual harassment, assault, maltreatment, conduct unbecoming and Officer, and obstruction of justice.  Attorney Barry conducted a thorough investigation demonstrating the lack of integrity regarding the complaining witnesses and the unlikelihood that the accused would be convicted at trial.  Despite three of his LTs making the accusations, the Government agreed to dismiss the charges outright. The accused agreed to leave the Army with a General, under honorable conditions, discharge, which preserved most of his VA benefits.

October 2023 – The accused faced allegations of sexual assault and dereliction of duty

Result: All charges withdrawn and dismissed prior to trial – no sex offender registration, no conviction, no jail time, and no punitive discharge

The accused, serving as nurses aid in a mental ward, was charged with sexually assaulting a patient, as well as dereliction of duty. Attorney Barry represented the accused throughout the Court-Martial process. Attorney Barry build a substantial defense, including numerous witnesses and documents, that supported the accused's innocence.  Approximately a month before trial, all charges were dropped, as the Government realized it was unlikely that they would achieve a conviction.

August 2023 – The accused, a SSgt in the Air Force, faced several allegations of rape of a child, sexual abuse of a child and sexual assault from his ex-spouse and her sister.

Result: All charges withdrawn and dismissed prior to trial – no sex offender registration, no conviction, no jail time, and no punitive discharge

The accused was charged with two specifications of alleged rape of a child, two specifications of alleged sexual abuse of a child, and one specification of sexual assault based on allegations from his ex-spouse and her minor sister. Based solely on the nature of the charges, the accused faced up to possible confinement for life without the possibility of parole. Attorney Willard represented the accused from the investigation throughout the court-martial process. During that that time, Attorney Willard thoroughly investigated the case, the evidence, and the allegations against the accused. Attorney Willard also several dozen pretrial witness interviews and filed ten motions in the accused’s case. Following a favorable motions hearing in the case, both of the alleged victims withdrew their participation from the case a few weeks before trial. As a result, all charges were withdrawn and dismissed. The accused continues to serve in the military without any federal convictions or sex offender registration.

August 2023: The accused was charged with using THC Delta 8

Result: Not Guilty

The accused, an Air Force Officer and Pilot, was charged with using THC Delta 8.  Attorney Barry prepared the accused's defense, which included good character evidence, evidence of deceptive THC Delta 8 products that are being circulated throughout the Country, and four other negative drug tests that the Accused took during the relevant time period. Attorney Barry also advocated for the Accused during his Court Martial, resulting in a Not Guilty verdict after about an hour of deliberations.

May 2023: The accused was charged with several allegations of aggravated sexual contact, two drug offenses, and three allegations of violating a lawful general regulation.

Result: Negotiated Plea Deal; No sex offender registration, Not Guilty of All Sex-Related Charges – plea to one physical assault charge, one allegation of use of an illegal substance, and one violation of a lawful regulation; Four-Months Confinement

The accused was charged with two specifications of aggravated sexual contact, two offenses regarding the use and possession of a Schedule-I controlled substance, and three allegations of violating a lawful general regulation. Based solely on the severity of the charged offenses, the accused faced over 50 years in prison and potential sex offender registration. After coming onto the case, Attorney Willard thoroughly reviewed the evidence and filed nearly half a dozen motions before trial that were overlooked by the accused’s previously assigned military counsel. Attorney Willard also conducted extensive pretrial interviews with the witnesses involved in the case and helped the accused prepare a sound trial strategy and defense in advance of trial. Ultimately, the Government accepted a negotiated plea deal where the accused accepted responsibility for a physical assault charge, an illegal drug use charge, and one violation of a lawful general regulation. No sex offender registration, and the accused received only four months confinement (the minimum allowable under the plea deal).

February 2023: The accused, a SSgt in the Air Force, faced numerous allegations of sexual assault, abusive sexual contact, and assault consummated by a battery from six different women.

Result: All charges withdrawn and dismissed – no sex offender registration, no conviction, no jail time, and no punitive discharge

The accused was charged with three specifications of alleged sexual assault, six specifications of alleged abusive sexual contact, and an assault consummated by a battery based on allegations from six females. Based on the nature of the charges, the accused faced over one hundred years of confinement, possible sex offender registration, and a dishonorable discharge.  Attorney Willard diligently investigated the case, which led to two of the alleged victims to drop out of the case before trial.  Attorney Willard also conducted dozens of pretrial witness interviews and filed twelve motions in the accused’s case.  After receiving several favorable rulings from the military judge in the case, the Government and Command accepted a Chapter 6 request for discharge in lieu of court-martial, and all charges were withdrawn and dismissed in the accused’s case.  The accused left the military without any federal convictions or having to face sex offender registration.

February 2023: The accused was charged with allegations of reckless endangerment, negligent discharge, false official statement, and two specifications of violating a lawful general order and regulation.

Result: All charges dismissed, no conviction, no jail time, no punitive discharge

The accused was pending a General Court-Martial based on allegations related to a gunshot wound a fellow Soldier suffered in the barracks. The accused faced charges of reckless endangerment, negligent discharge, false official statement and two allegations of violating a lawful order and regulation.  Based on the nature of the charges, the accused faced over a decade in prison and a possible dishonorable discharge.  Attorney Willard thoroughly investigated the case, filed six motions, and interviewed numerous witnesses – all of which led to the production of a video through discovery that showed the Soldier who was shot was the one actually holding the firearm shortly before it went off.  Ultimately, the Commanding General dismissed the charges and opted for administrative action.  The accused left the military without any convictions and never served a single day in jail.

October 2022: The accused was charged with multiple specifications of sexual assault

Result: Charges dismissed, no conviction, no punitive discharge, no sex offender registration; Accused still serving in the Army

The Accused, an Army E5, was charged with multiple specifications of sexual assault from one complaining witness.  After Court-Martial charges were preferred, Attorney Barry meticulously investigated the case, ultimately discovering that the complaining witness deleted text messages and lied to CID.  After receiving a subpoena for her phone, the complaining witness refused to participate in the Court-Martial, resulting in the charges being dismissed.

October 2022: The accused, a SSG with over 27 years of military service, was charged with eighteen separate offenses at a General Court-Martial.

Result: Negotiated Plea Deal – The accused pled guilty to several minor, military specific offenses and further agreed to provide substantial assistance to the prosecution against five individuals involved with ongoing conspiracy activities.  The accused was permitted to retire at a reduced rank with an Honorable discharge and full military benefits

The accused was charged with five separate conspiracies to violate a lawful general order, one specification of soliciting another to commit a criminal offense, seven specifications of violating a lawful general order or regulation, one specification of wrongful use a controlled substance, one specification of obstructing justice, one specification of extramarital sexual conduct, and two specifications of malingering. Based solely on the allegations at trial, the accused faced decades in prison and the potential loss of his retirement.  Attorney Willard thoroughly reviewed the evidence in the case which was located in several different countries and conducted numerous pretrial interviews with the witnesses involved in the case.  Through pretrial investigation, Attorney Willard discovered significant legal issues involved with the Government’s case, and the accused agreed to offer substantial assistance to the prosecution against five individuals involved in conspiracy activities in exchange for the chance to keep his retirement based on his nearly three decades of military service.  After the accused entered a plea to minor military specific offenses, the Government still fought to take the accused’s retirement and argued for a punitive discharge.  However, Attorney Willard effectively prepared for the accused’s case, strategically called numerous Soldiers who had served with the accused throughout his career to testify on his behalf, and successfully argued for the accused not to be discharged and for the accused to keep his retirement at a reduced rank.

September 2022: The accused was charged with Sexual Assault, Numerous Allegations of Domestic Violence, and two Allegations of Communicating a Threat against his Former Spouse

Result: Negotiated Plea Deal; No sex offender registration, Not Guilty of All Charges but one allegation of grabbing his spouse’s arm, Two-Months Confinement

The accused was charged with sexual assault, eight separate allegations of domestic violence, and two allegations of communicating a threat against his former spouse. Based solely on the severity of the allegations, the accused faced several decades in prison and potential sex offender registration.  Attorney Willard meticulously reviewed the evidence in the case, filed half a dozen motions before trial, and conducted extensive pretrial interviews with the witnesses involved in the case.  Through pretrial investigation, Attorney Willard discovered the alleged victim and her paramour had lied to OSI investigators and other commissioned officers on multiple occasions regarding the allegations against the accused, and the Government ultimately accepted a negotiated plea deal where the accused accepted responsibility for grabbing his spouse’s arm and received two months confinement.  No sex offender registration

May 2022: The accused was charged with Rape

Result: Charges dismissed, no conviction, no punitive discharge, no sex offender registration

The accused was charged with several specifications of rape/sexual assault.  Attorney Barry effectively investigated the case, uncovering numerous witnesses that severely discredited the complaining witness. Two weeks before trial, the Government dismissed all charges and specifications after unsuccessfully attempting to get the accused to submit a Chapter 10. The accused ETS'd from the Army with an Honorable Discharge with no adverse actions taken against him.

August 2021: The accused was charged with going AWOL and disobeying a lawful order

Result: Charges dismissed, no conviction, no punitive discharge

The accused was arrested and placed in pre-trial confinement after going AWOL from his unit.  Attorney Barry quickly met with the accused and negotiated a deal with the prosecutors, resulting in a swift resolution and the charges being dismissed.

June 2021: The accused was charged with multiple violations of sexual assault and assault from two different women

Result: Not guilty of all charges and specifications, no sex offender registration, no federal conviction, no confinement, the accused was able to continue his military career

The accused was charged with multiple violations of sexual assault and assault from two different women, who didn't know each other.  Attorney Barry effectively investigated the case, leading to one of the two alleged victims to drop out of the case before trial.  At trial, Attorney Barry effectively discredited the remaining alleged victim, resulting in a full acquittal.  The accused was completely exonerated and allowed to continue his military career.

June 2021: The accused was charged with multiple violations of child, spousal, and animal abuse

Result: No punitive discharge; minimal confinement

The accused was charged with multiple violations of child, spousal, and animal abuse.  All of the misconduct was captured on the accused's home "Nest" camera.  Attorney Barry effectively mitigated the charges against the accused, resulting in no punitive discharge and only minimal confinement, despite the prosecution advocating for a Dishonorable Discharge and 5 years of confinement.

May 2021: The accused was charged with physical and sexual torture over a 10-day time period and physical abuse from years earlier

Result: No sex offender registration; Not Guilty of all charges except on one-day

The accused was charged with physically and sexually torturing his wife over a 10-day time period, as well as domestic abuse from years earlier.  He was facing decades in prison because of the severity of the allegations.  Attorney Barry meticulously reviewed the incredibly large casefile and filed multiple motions before trial.  Due to the motions filed, the prosecution dropped all sexual related charges before trial.  At trial, Attorney Barry effectively attacked the prosecution's case, achieving a Not Guilty finding on all charges except for 1 day of misconduct. The accused will not be required to register as a sex offender, despite the prosecution originally attempting to do so.

February 2021: the accused was charged with stealing over 1 million dollars worth of government property

Result: Negotiated Plea Deal, least amount of confinement, no fine

The accused was recalled from being in the IRR to active duty to face a Court-Martial.  The prosecution was adamant that he be sentenced to over 4 years in confinement and pay a large fine.  Attorney Barry ultimately convinced the Military Judge to only sentence the accused to 18 months confinement and to issue no fine.

January 2021: The accused was charged with multiple allegations of sexual assault and one charge of adultery

Result: No sex offender registration; no confinement; no punitive discharge

The accused was charged with multiple allegations of sexual assault and one charge of adultery. Attorney Willard effectively investigated all of the allegations in the case and advocated on the accused’s behalf during several pretrial motions hearings. On the eve of trial, the government approached Attorney Willard in which they agreed to dismiss the sexual assault charges in exchange to the accused pleading guilty to adultery and the lesser offense of assault consummated by a battery for touching his hand to the victim’s shoulder without her consent. At trial, Attorney Willard presented a strong case in mitigation on the accused’s behalf, and the accused was sentenced to a reduction in rank and hard labor without confinement.

December 2020: the accused was charged with sexual assault and assault based on accusations from two different women

Result: Charges dismissed, no sex offender registration, no conviction, no jail time, no punitive discharge

The accused was pending a court-martial based on accusations from two different women, who did not know each other. Attorney Barry investigated the case, pointing out numerous credibility issues with each complaining witness.  Ultimately, the Commanding General dismissed the charges and opted for administrative action.  The accused left the military without a conviction and without having to register as a sex offender.

December 2020: The accused was charged with the unpremeditated murder of his wife and faced a sentence of up to life in prison without the eligibility for parole

Result: Sentenced to Life with the Possibility of Parole; accused eligible for parole within 20 years

The accused was charged with the unpremeditated murder of his wife and faced a sentence of up to life in prison without the eligibility for parole. Attorney Willard thoroughly investigated the allegation and litigated numerous motions on behalf of the accused during several pretrial motions hearings in the case. During a contested trial for murder which lasted two weeks, Attorney Willard presented a strong defense on the accused’s behalf and argued for and received an instruction from the military judge on the lesser-included offense of voluntary manslaughter. While the accused was ultimately found guilty of the murder charge, Attorney Willard continued to advocate for the accused throughout the presentation of evidence in mitigation, and the military judge sentenced the accused to life in prison with the possibility for parole, where the accused is then eligible for parole in 20 years.

October 2020: The accused was charged with maltreatment, having an inappropriate relationship, extra-martial sexual conduct, and communicating indecent language

Result: Charges dismissed, no conviction, no jail time, no punitive discharge

The command initiated a Court-Martial against the accused, a MSG, after a hasty and incomplete investigation.  Attorney Barry effectively advocated to the Preliminary Hearing Officer and Trial Counsel that the case was not deserving of a Court-Martial.  Charges were dismissed.

October 2020: The accused was charged with domestic violence

Result: Charges dismissed, no conviction, no jail time, no discharge, Soldier was allowed to continue his career

The accused was charged with committing domestic violence.  Attorney Barry worked with the victim and helped her express her support for the accused.  Attorney Barry effectively advocated to the chain of command, ultimately getting them to agree to drop the Court-Martial charges, proceed only with an Article 15, and allow the accused to continue to serve.

October 2020: The accused was charged with Rape and Indecent Recording

Result: Charges dismissed, no conviction, no jail time, no discharge, Soldier was allowed to continue his career

The accused was charged with raping a fellow Soldier and for recording it with a cell phone.  Attorney Barry conducted his own investigation and discovered that CID and the prosecutors did not disclose a video that they had in their possession which conclusively proved that the sexual encounter in question was consensual.  Attorney Barry then successfully advocated for all charges to be dismissed before trial, a very rare result.  The accused was allowed to continue to serve.

September 2020: The accused was charged with dereliction of duty, making a false official statement, and several specifications of theft

Result: Not guilty of all charges and specifications, no federal conviction, no confinement, the accused was able to continue her military career

The accused, an Army supply sergeant, was unjustly accused of dereliction of duty, making a false official statement, and theft.  Attorney Barry uncovered numerous witnesses that supported the accused and worked diligently to understand the complex issues in the case.  Ultimately, Attorney Barry understood army supply procedures better than the prosecutors and he successfully advocated for the accused at trial, resulting in a full acquittal.

September 2020: The accused was charged with solicitation, distribution, and use of cocaine, ecstasy, and oxycontin

Result: Solicitation and Distribution Charges Dismissed

The accused was charged with distribution, solicitation and use of several drugs.  Attorney Barry successfully discredited the primary complaining witness and convinced the Government to dismiss the solicitation charge before trial.  Attorney Barry also convinced the judge suppress the search of the accused's phone because of an illegal seizure of his pin code.   The Government then agreed to dismiss the distribution charge and the accused was only convicted of the use of drugs and received only 35 days in confinement.

September 2020: The accused was charged with four separate offenses for use of illegal drugs on different occasions

Result: Charges dismissed; no confinement; no federal conviction; no punitive discharge

The accused was charged with four separate offenses for use of illegal drugs on different occasions. Attorney Willard thoroughly investigated the offenses and fought hard to get the court-martial dismissed. The charges were dismissed and the case was sent for administrative action.

August 2020: The accused faced multiple allegations of abusive sexual contact, fraternization, and violating a general order involving alcohol consumption

Result: Charges dismissed; no confinement; no sex offender registration; accused was able to retire with full benefits

The accused faced multiple allegations of abusive sexual contact, fraternization, and violating a general order involving alcohol consumption. Based on the charges, the accused faced over 30 years in prison. Attorney Willard thoroughly investigated the case and was able to get the court-martial dismissed. The accused then faced administrative action for the alleged offenses, and the accused was later able to retire with his full military benefits and no federal convictions, no sex offender registration, and no confinement.

August 2020: The accused was charged with aggravated assault and dereliction of duty

Result: Charges dismissed, no conviction, no jail time, no punitive discharge, accused was allowed to retire with full benefits

The Command brought unjust and disproportionate charges against the accused. Attorney Barry advocated to get the charges dropped and to allow the accused to retire.  The Command administered an article 15 instead, only taking away half of one-months pay, for one month.  The accused retired from the Army with full benefits.

June 2020: The accused was charged with multiple specifications of rape, domestic violence, and child abuse

Result: Charges dismissed, no conviction, no jail time, no punitive discharge

The accused's ex-wife made multiple accusations of rape and domestic violence spanning more than a decade.  Attorney Barry not only found multiple inconsistencies with the ex-wife's allegation, but he successfully gained her support to get the charges dropped.

June 2020: The accused was charged with failure to report, having an inappropriate relationship, and over 40 violations of a military protection order

Result: Charges dismissed, no conviction, no jail time, no punitive discharge

The accused's unit placed him in pretrial confinement.  Attorney Barry successfully advocated for his release from jail and for the charges to be dismissed.  The accused left the military with no conviction.

May 2020: The accused was charged with four specifications of abusive sexual contact and faced several decades in prison

Result: Sex charges dismissed; no confinement; no punitive discharge

The accused was charged with four specifications of abusive sexual contact and faced several decades in prison. Attorney Willard successfully investigated the case, and all sexual charges were dismissed.

March 2020: The accused was charged with aggravated assault and reckless endangerment

Result: Exonerated on one of the two charges, mistrial granted on other charge, NO punishment, NO conviction

In a high profile case, Attorney Barry represented a decorated Special Forces Master Sergeant (E8).  Attorney Barry exposed the Commanding General's Unlawful Command Influence, convincing the judge to make a very rare ruling.  Attorney Barry also exposed the unfair pretrial punishment that the accused was subjected to, gaining 140 days of confinement credit going into trial.  At trial, Attorney Barry and his co-counsels effectively represented the accused, convincing the jury to administer no punishment.  The accused was allowed to maintain his rank and his military retirement.  After trial, Attorney Barry uncovered juror misconduct, resulting in the remaining conviction being dismissed.

February 2020: The accused was charged with three specifications of dereliction of duty

Result: Exonerated on 2 of the 3 charges, no confinement, no punitive discharge

The accused was being unfairly prosecuted for three allegations of dereliction of duty. Attorney Barry filed a legal motion that resulted in one of the three allegations being dropped by the prosecution.  Attorney Barry mounted an effective defense for the other charges, resulting in only one conviction, no punitive discharge, and no confinement.  The accused went back to his unit on the final day of the Court-Martial.

February 2020: The accused was charged with dereliction of duty and assault with a dangerous weapon for pulling a gun on a fellow Soldier

Result: Charges dismissed; no confinement; no federal conviction; no punitive discharge

The accused was charged with dereliction of duty and assault with a dangerous weapon for pulling a gun on a fellow Soldier. Attorney Willard successfully investigated the allegations and following positive results at the preliminary hearing, Attorney Willard was able to advocate for dismissal of the charges and the accused only faced administrative action.

February 2020: The accused was charged with sexually assaulting a male Soldier in his unit

Result: Charges dismissed; no confinement; no federal conviction; no punitive discharge

The accused was charged with sexually assaulting a male Soldier in his unit. Attorney Willard thoroughly investigated the case and the allegation, and after litigating several pretrial motions, Attorney Willard successfully advocated for the charge to be dismissed.

January 2020: The accused was charge with four allegations of sexual assault and faced over 100 years in prison based on the offenses charged.

Result: Charges dismissed; no federal conviction; no confinement; no punitive discharge

The accused was charged with four allegations of sexual assault and faced over 100 years in prison based on the offenses charged. Attorney Willard effectively investigated the allegations and litigated several pretrial motions on behalf of the accused. On the eve of trial, the court-martial charges were dismissed and the accused faced administrative action.

December 2019: The accused faced a total of 21 criminal charges, to include failures to report, failures to obey lawful orders, failures to obey lawful regulations, disrespect toward a superior commissioned officer, and multiple instances of insubordinate conduct toward an NCO

Result: No federal conviction; no confinement; no punitive discharge

The accused faced a total of 21 criminal charges, to include failures to report, failures to obey lawful orders, failures to obey lawful regulations, disrespect toward a superior commissioned officer, and multiple instances of insubordinate conduct toward an NCO. Attorney Willard effectively investigated the allegations and was successful in advocating for the criminal charges to be disposed of at a summary court-martial (the lowest level of court-martial), where the accused could not receive any federal convictions. Attorney Willard then presented a strong case on the accused’s behalf, and the accused did not receive any federal convictions or confinement.

November 2019: The accused was charged with involuntary manslaughter, negligent homicide, and dereliction of duty resulting in death of a fellow Soldier during a unit firing range

Result: Negligent homicide and manslaughter charges dismissed; only 9 months of confinement

The accused was charged with involuntary manslaughter, negligent homicide, and dereliction of duty resulting in the death following the death of a fellow Soldier during a unit firing range. Based on the allegations, the accused faced over 14 years in prison. Attorney Willard effectively investigated the case and successfully negotiated a favorable deal, where the accused was found not guilty of both involuntary manslaughter and negligent homicide and served less than 9 months in prison.

October 2019: The accused was charged with deserting his unit and remaining away for over two years

Result: Charges dismissed; no conviction; no punitive discharge; no confinement

The accused was charged with deserting his unit and remaining away for over two years. Attorney Willard thoroughly investigated the allegation and the evidence, and ultimately the charge was dismissed while the accused faced administrative action.

October 2019: The accused was charged with multiple allegations of assault consummated by a battery against his spouse

Result: Charges dismissed; no federal conviction; no punitive discharge; no confinement

The accused was charged with multiple allegations of assault consummated by a battery against his spouse. Based on the charges, the accused faced 30 years in prison. Attorney Willard successfully investigated the allegations and advocated for the charges to be dismissed. The command dismissed the charges, and the accused faced administrative action.

October 2019: The accused was charged with two specifications of sexual assault against a female Soldier

Result: Charges dismissed; no sex offender registration; no federal conviction; no confinement

The accused was charged with two specifications of sexual assault against a female Soldier. Attorney Willard zealously represented the accused in the case and during pretrial motions hearings, ultimately leading to a first and then a second dismissal of the court-martial charges in favor of administrative action.

September 2019: The accused was charged with rape of a child, sexual assault, solicitation of child phonography, use of illegal drugs, and AWOL

Result: Time served; no sex offender registration; no punitive discharge

The accused was charged with rape of a child, sexual assault, solicitation of child pornography, use of illegal drugs, and absence from his unit without leave. Based on the charges, the accused faced up to life in prison without the possibility of parole. Attorney Willard thoroughly investigated the case and discovered multiple witnesses that law enforcement never sought to interview. At trial, the accused pled guilty to the AWOL and use of illegal drugs charges, and following a strong contested case put on by Attorney Willard, the accused was found not guilty of rape of a child, sexual assault, and solicitation of child pornography. The accused was sentenced to time served.

July 2019: The accused was arrested and subsequently charged for deserting his unit for over a year

Result: Charges dismissed; no confinement; no punitive discharge

The accused was arrested and subsequently charged for deserting his unit for over a year. Attorney Willard investigated the case and successfully advocated for the criminal charge to be dismissed and for the command to only pursue administrative action in the accused’s case. No federal conviction. No confinement.

July 2019: The accused was charged with several allegations of possession and distribution of child pornography

Result: No confinement; no punitive discharge; received only a reprimand

The accused faced several charges of possession and distribution of child pornography, where he was facing thirty years in prison. Attorney Willard successfully advocated the case and litigated several pretrial motions on the accused’s behalf. At trial, although he was convicted of the distribution charge and faced decades in prison, Attorney Willard presented a very strong presentencing case and the accused received a reprimand but no other punishment.

June 2019: The accused was charged, among other allegations, with theft and larceny of military property, false official statement, use of illegal drugs, and multiple AWOLs

Result: Time served; no reduction in rank; no discharge; accused separated honorably

The accused faced a litany of charges, to include numerous allegations theft and larceny of military property, false official statement, use of illegal drugs, and multiple absences from his unit without leave. Attorney Willard effectively investigated the allegations – along with the accused’s medical history and his numerous military combat deployments – and at trial, Attorney Willard successfully advocated for the accused to receive time served for his actions.

June 2019: The accused faced eleven charges for various offenses, to include failure to report, disrespect toward a superior commissioned officer, willfully disobeying a commissioned officer, insubordinate conduct toward an NCO, and dereliction of duty.

Result: Charges dismissed; no conviction; no confinement; no punitive discharge

The accused faced eleven charges for various offenses, to include failure to report, disrespect toward a superior commissioned officer, willfully disobeying a commissioned officer, insubordinate conduct toward an NCO, and dereliction of duty. Attorney Willard thoroughly investigated the allegations, and ultimately the Commanding General dismissed all of the charges and opted for administrative action. The accused left the military without any convictions

May 2019: The accused was charged with one allegation of abusive sexual contact

Result: Found not guilty; no sex offender registration; no confinement

The accused was charged with one allegation of abusive sexual contact for allegedly grabbing a female’s breast. Attorney Willard effectively investigated the allegation and interviewed multiple witnesses that the government and law enforcement overlooked. At trial, Attorney Willard presented a strong case and the accused was found not guilty.

April 2019: The accused was charged with desertion

Result: Charges dismissed, no conviction, no confinement, no punitive discharge.

Over ten years prior the accused had left his unit to deal with compelling family issues at home. In 2019 the accused was arrested on a deserter warrant and brought to Fort Campbell to face a Court-Martial. The Command would not provide him with medical treatment, a uniform, and did not pay him. Attorney Barry advocated to the Commanding General after the accused’s Brigade Commander refused to remedy the situation. Despite personal attacks against Attorney Barry by the Staff Judge Advocate, he continued to advocate for the accused contributing to all charges being dismissed.

April 2019: The accused was charged with several offenses for wrongful use, possession and distribution of cocaine

Result: Charges dismissed; no federal conviction; no confinement

The accused was charged with several offenses for wrongful use, possession and distribution of cocaine. Attorney Willard thoroughly investigated the case in the early stages of the proceeding, and with the nature of the evidence against the accused, Attorney Willard was successful in advocating for the command to dismiss all charges in exchange for the accused’s testimony against a co-accused Soldier. As a result, the accused only faced nonjudicial punishment, and his charges were dismissed.

February 2019: The accused was charged with domestic violence and obstruction of justice.

Result: Not Guilty of all Charges and Specifications, no federal conviction, no confinement, the accused was able to retire with full benefits.

A retirement eligible Soldier was charged with domestic violence and obstruction of justice against his wife and step-daughter. The wife had a history of making false accusations against the accused. Attorney Barry conducted a diligent and thorough investigation, undercovering multiple instances of the wife committing various crimes, lying, and physically attacking the accused. Attorney Barry effectively presented this information to the jury, resulting in a full acquittal.

December 2018: The accused was charged with rape and sexual assault of his friend while at a party while she was passed out and unable to consent to sexual activity.

Result: Not Guilty of any sexual offense, no sex offender registration, the accused went back to his unit on the final day of the Court-Martial.

The complaining witness went to the hospital the next day and tested negative for any alcohol in her system, despite telling CID that she drank an entire 750ml bottle of vodka in 4 hours the night before. The accused was berated by a CID agent for hours and eventually made an incriminating statement. Attorney Barry successfully lobbied the court to appoint four experts as part of the Defense team for the trial. These experts demonstrated that the complaining witness was lying about how much she drank and was likely an active participant in the sexual activity. Attorney Barry also effectively cross examined the CID agent who took the accused’s incriminating statement, ultimately getting him to admit that he did not treat the accused with dignity and respect and acted inappropriately during the interrogation.

November 2018: The accused was charged with committing rape, domestic violence, making a false official statement, and communicating a threat.

Result: Charges dismissed, no conviction, no sex offender registration, no confinement, no punitive discharge.

Attorney Barry approached the complaining witness in the case and found out that she did not want to participate in the case at all. This information was presented to the prosecutors and the chain of command by Attorney Barry leading to the dismissal of charges.

November 2018: The accused was charged with rape and sexual assault of an acquaintance after a barracks party.

Result: Charges dismissed, no conviction, no sex offender registration, no confinement, no punitive discharge.

The complaining witness alleged that the accused held her down forcefully while he performed sexual acts on her. Soon after she went to CID and photos were taken of the bruises she had all over her body. Attorney Barry worked hard to obtain the complaining witnesses’ medical records and discovered a unique medical condition that explained some of her injuries. Attorney Barry also filed numerous motions and uncovered many favorable witnesses. This all lead to the Commanding General not wanting to pursue a Court-Martial.

October 2018: The accused was charged with violating Article 120c, having multiple inappropriate relationships with junior Soldiers, bestiality, adultery, obstruction of justice and making a false official statement.

Result: All sexual related offenses dropped, no sex offender registration, only minimal punishment for other offenses.

CID and the command conducted a massive and over the top investigation because of political pressure from higher commands, Congress, and the media. Attorney Barry conducted an aggressive and equally massive investigation into the inappropriate unlawful command influence from higher commands and Congress. Over 10 motions were filed, requesting that multiple General Officers be subpoena’d to answer for their involvement in the charges being brought against the accused. Not wanting to respond to the motions filed by Attorney Barry, the Government agreed to drop all sexual related offenses.

October 2018: The accused was charged with multiple violations of abusive sexual contact, one violation of a general order, and one violation of misuse of government property

Result: No sex offender registration; no confinement

The accused was charged with multiple violations of abusive sexual contact, one violation of a general order for consuming alcohol, and one violation of misuse of government property.  Attorney Willard effectively investigated the case leading to the dismissal of all abusive sexual contact allegations at trial, where the accused received a sentence of only hard labor and a reduction in rank.

October 2018: The accused was charged with use, possession and distribution of cocaine

Result: Charges dismissed; no federal conviction; no punitive discharge

The accused was charged with use, possession and distribution of cocaine. Attorney Willard thoroughly investigated the allegations in the case, to include evidence related to companion cases which also involved the accused. After presenting a strong case on the accused’s behalf at the preliminary hearing, Attorney Willard successfully advocated for the charges to be dismissed. The charges were dismissed, and the accused faced administrative action but did not receive any federal convictions or confinement.

September 2018: The accused was charged with multiple failures to report and being absent without leave.

Result: No federal conviction, no confinement, accused retained in the Army.

Attorney Barry did an investigation and determined that the accused was already punished with jail time for his offense. Attorney Barry negotiated early on with his chain of command and reached an agreement that resulted in the above.

September 2018: The accused was charged with malingering and failures to obey a lawful order regarding his refusal to train

Result: Charges dismissed; no federal conviction; no punitive discharge

The accused was charged with malingering and failures to obey a lawful order regarding his refusal to train. Attorney Willard effectively investigated the allegations against the accused, and Attorney Willard successfully advocated for the accused’s case to be dismissed to a summary court-martial – the lowest level of court-martial. At the summary court-martial, Attorney Willard presented a strong case in mitigation on the accused’s behalf, and the accused did not receive any federal convictions or confinement at the proceeding.

September 2018: The accused was charged with larceny of military property of a value of more than $1000

Result: Charges dismissed; no federal conviction; no punitive discharge

The accused was charged with larceny of military property of a value of more than $1000. Based on the charge, the accused faced 10 years in prison. Attorney Willard effectively investigated the allegation and the evidence, and Attorney Willard advocated for the charge to be dismissed the charge. The accused faced administrative action, and he did not receive a federal conviction.

August 2018: The accused was charged with attempting to commit rape against a fellow Soldier.

Result: No sex offender registration, no confinement, no punitive discharge, retained in the Army.

Attorney Barry and his co-counsel effectively uncovered the multiple different accounts the complaining witness told about the alleged crime and her odd behavior immediately following. Attorney Barry presented multiple witnesses who told the panel about how good of an NCO the accused was. Attorney Barry also made a compelling sentencing argument that the Military Judge said was the best he ever heard.

August 2018: The accused was charged with sexual assault, indecent exposure and committing a false official statement.

Result: No sex offender registration, no confinement, no punitive discharge, retained in the Army.

The accused was charged with sexual assault, indecent exposure, and committing a false official statement. Attorney Barry conducted an investigation and determined that the supposed eye witness had massive credibility issues and could not be trusted. Attorney Barry brought this information to the chain of command leading to the above result.

July 2018: The accused was charged with sexual assault of his friend after a party and burglary.

Result: Not Guilty of all charges and specifications, no federal conviction, no confinement, no punitive discharge, no sex offender registration.

The complaining witness told multiple different versions of the alleged sexual assault to different people. Attorney Barry uncovered all of these different versions and tracked down multiple eye witnesses to her behavior immediately before the alleged sexual assault. Attorney Barry also uncovered that the complaining witness had a boyfriend at the time who was at JRTC and that the alleged sexual assault happened at his house while he was away. Armed with this information, Attorney Barry effectively cross examined the complaining witness and presented a compelling case to the jury, resulting in a full acquittal.

June 2018: The accused was charged with sexual assault of his girlfriend.

Result: Charges dismissed, no federal conviction, no confinement, no punitive discharge, no sex offender registration.

The accused was charged with sexual assault against his girlfriend. Attorney Barry uncovered multiple witnesses that were of the opinion that the complaining witness was an untruthful person. Attorney Barry also discovered a previous investigation into the complaining witness for making multiple false official statements. Attorney Barry presented this information to the prosecution which resulted in them no longer wishing to pursue charges.

May 2018: The accused was charged with use of illegal drugs, insubordinate conduct towards and NCO, and AWOL

Result: Charges dismissed, no punitive discharge

The accused was charged with use of illegal drugs, insubordinate conduct towards an NCO, and absence from his unit without leave. Based on the charges, the accused faced over 10 years in prison. Attorney Willard thoroughly investigated the case and advocated for the allegations to be dismissed in favor of administrative action. The accused left the service without a federal conviction.

April 2018: The accused was charged with introducing drugs onto a federal installation and multiple violations of Article 92, violating a lawful order.

Result: No federal conviction, no punitive discharge.

Attorney Barry intervened early on in the process and convinced the chain of command to handle the matter on a lower level than the prosecutors originally wanted to.

April 2018: The accused was charged with committing domestic violence against his wife multiple times over the period of a year.

Result: No federal conviction, no punitive discharge.

Attorney Barry acted quickly to negotiate with the chain of command and prosecutors and convinced all to handle the matter at a lower level.

January 2018: The accused was charged with absence without leave and multiple instances of theft and sale of Government property.

Result: No federal conviction, no punitive discharge.

Despite his impeccable military record, the command was insistent on sending his case to a general court martial. Attorney Barry collected letters on the accused’s behalf and presented his military record to his command, which included a silver star for participating in the one of the highest profile missions ever conducted by the US military. After Attorney Barry’s efforts, the prosecution, and Command ultimately agreed to handle the matter at a lower level.


January 2018: The accused was charged with multiple failures to report, making a false official statement, and multiple instances of drug use.

Result: No federal conviction, no punitive discharge.

Attorney Barry successfully negotiated with the accused’s chain of command and presented mitigating circumstances in his personal life resulting in the Command and prosecution agreeing to the above result.

January 2018: The accused was charged with sexual assault, rape, communicating a threat, and disrespecting his NCOs and Officers.

Result: Charges dismissed, no federal conviction, no confinement, no punitive discharge, no sex offender registration.

CID and the command pressed charges despite eye witness testimony that exonerated the accused. Attorney Barry was successful in getting these eye witnesses to testify at the preliminary hearing and getting the charges dismissed without a trial. He also conducted an investigation and gathered statements about the mistreatment and abuse the command perpetrated against the accused.

August 2017: The accused was charged with multiple violations of Article 92, making a false official statement, video taping a sexual assault, and not intervening during a sexual assault.

Result: Acquitted of all but one specification, no punitive discharge, only minimal punishment for remaining offense.

In a politically motivated prosecution, the Government prosecuted the accused in an attempt to establish a legal requirement to intervene during a sexual assault. Attorney Barry conducted a thorough investigation and subpoenaed a high-ranking special victim’s prosecutor who testified that there was no legal requirement to intervene during a sexual assault.

August 2017: The accused was charged with rape of a child, his neighbor.

Result: Charges dismissed, no confinement, no federal conviction, no punitive discharge, no sex offender registration.

The accused maintained his innocence throughout, but the command did not believe him. Attorney Barry conducted an investigation and found that the complaining witness was lying about the sexual assault in an attempt to conceal a relationship with one of her brother’s friends. Once Attorney Barry compelled the Government to look into this information, they no longer wished to pursue charges against the accused.

June 2017: The accused was charged with Absence without leave.

Result: Charges dismissed, no confinement, no federal conviction, no punitive discharge.

Attorney Barry advocated to the accused’s chain of command with the compelling reason for his absence, resulting in all parties agreeing that charges should be dismissed.