GOMOR Results
Our Case Results
Below are summaries of cases that Attorneys Barry, Willard, and Gittleman have worked on. Results cannot be guaranteed and each case’s results depend on its specific facts and circumstances. Contact us today for a free case consultation on your specific case!
GOMOR Case Results
February 2025: The accused received a reprimand for alleged failures in her platoon that led to the death of a Paratrooper.
Result: GOMOR withdrawn and Destroyed
The accused, a SSG at Fort Bragg, faced the potential of a permanently filed reprimand related to an allegation that she as a Platoon Sergeant allowed for “mission failures” to take place in her platoon since one of the accused’s riggers had allegedly improperly packed a parachute that resulted in the death of a Paratrooper. As soon as he came onto the case, Attorney Willard collected additional evidence in support of the accused’s defense and effectively advocated on her behalf to the Commanding General, who ultimately decided to withdraw and destroy the GOMOR. The accused now continues to serve on active duty without any adverse information in her AMHRR or local unit file.
February 2025: The Accused was reprimanded for assaulting one of his Soldiers
Result: Locally filed
The Accused, an Army E-7, was reprimanded for assaulting one of his Soldiers. Attorney Gittleman drafted the Accused’s rebuttal matters as well as a legal memorandum, and provided additional evidence not contained in the investigation to show that the assault could not have occurred as the Soldier alleged. The Commanding General agreed with Attorney Gittleman and filed the reprimand locally.
February 2025: The accused faced a GOMOR for misuse of an NTV and improper travel while deployed
Result: Locally filed
The accused, an Army MAJ, received a GOMOR after taking a group of Soldiers off post, in an NTV, to visit his family while deployed, without proper approval. Attorney Barry collected additional evidence, including statements from individuals, confirming that there was confusion around the travel and NTV policy. The GOMOR was ultimately locally filed.
February 2025: The accused faced a GOMOR for conduct while deployed to South America
Result: Locally filed
The accused, an Army Special Forces SFC, received a GOMOR for breaking curfew and bringing an unauthorized guest back to his hotel. Attorney Barry drafted the accused's rebuttal, highlighting the accused's acceptance of responsibility, confusion surrounding published policies, and the lack of evidence of any serious wrong doing. The GOMOR was locally filed.
February 2025: The accused faced a GOMOR for an unprofessional conversation with an NCO
Result: Locally filed
The accused, an Army LTC, received a GOMOR for having an inappropriate sexual conversation with an NCO during an FTX. Attorney Barry drafted the accused's rebuttal, highlighting the lack of evidence against him as well as the level of support that the accused had. The GOMOR was locally filed.
February 2025: The accused received a GOMOR years earlier for a DUI
Result: Transferred to Restricted Section of AMHRR
The accused, an Army SSG, previously received a GOMOR for driving while intoxicated. Attorney Barry was retained later on, collected additional evidence, and drafted an appeal to the Department of the Army Suitability Evaluation Board (DASEB). The GOMOR was transferred to the restricted access of the accused's AMHRR, limiting the number of people who can view it.
February 2025: The accused faced a GOMOR for being arrested for a DUI
Result: Locally filed
The accused, an Army MAJ at Fort Liberty, received a GOMOR after being arrested for a DUI and testing over the legal limit. Attorney Barry advised the accused after his arrest on what he should do and drafted his response to the GOMOR, which included numerous quality letters of support, treatment records, and statements from individuals who explained the stressors in his life at the time. Despite being a field grade officer, and despite being at Fort Liberty, the GOMOR was ultimately locally filed.
January 2025: The accused faced a GOMOR for ordering a Soldier to disobey her Company Commander
Result: Withdrawn and Destroyed
The accused, an Army 1SG, received a GOMOR for ordering a Soldier to disobey her Company Commander in a heated exchange between the two. Attorney Barry collected additional evidence, demonstrating how the Company Commander was ineffective and absent, resulting in the 1SG having to make all of the decisions. Based on the additional information collected, as well as the 1SG's acknowledgement that she lost her temper, the GOMOR was withdrawn and destroyed. She continues to serve with no adverse information filed in her AMHRR.
January 2025: The accused faced a GOMOR for harassing a subordinate and for not treating others with dignity and respect
Result: Locally filed
The accused, an Army LTC, received a GOMOR for harassing a subordinate and for not treating others with dignity and respect. Attorney Barry collected additional statements and drafted the accused's rebuttal, pointing out the eye-witnesses who contradicted what the alleged victim claimed happened. Ultimately, the Commanding General agreed with Attorney Barry and locally filed the GOMOR. The accused continues to serve with no adverse information in his AMHRR.
January 2025: The accused had a GOMOR filed in his AMHRR for failing to report an allegation of inappropriate sexual behavior
Result: Transferred to the Restricted File of his AMHRR
The accused, an Army CPT, had a GOMOR filed in his AMHRR for allegedly not reporting an allegation of inappropriate sexual behavior by a subordinate. Attorney Barry assisted the accused with collecting additional evidence and drafted his appeal to the DASEB. Ultimately, the DASEB agreed with Attorney Barry and the GOMOR was transferred to the accused's restricted file, increasing his chances for promotion.
December 2024: The accused faced a GOMOR for conduct unbecoming of an officer
Result: Locally filed
The accused, a CPT, received a GOMOR for conduct unbecoming; specifically, for exchanging sexual photos and messages with a woman online who was not his wife. Attorney Barry drafted the accused's rebuttal, which included a statement from his wife who supported her husband. The GOMOR was locally filed and the accused continues to serve in the Army with no adverse information filed in his AMHRR/OMPF.
October 2024: The accused faced a GOMOR for allegations of disrespect, violations of a lawful order, and dereliction of duty
Result: Locally filed
The accused, a 1LT, received a GOMOR for allegations of disrespect, violations of a lawful order, and dereliction of duty. Attorney Barry drafted the accused's rebuttal matters, which included additional evidence demonstrating that the allegations were untrue and retaliatory in nature. Attorney Barry also drafted a legal objection to the GOMOR, demonstrating that the accused's due process rights under AR 15-6 were violated when he was not allowed to respond to the findings before they were finalized. Despite the entire chain of command being involved in the allegations and not liking the accused, his GOMOR was filed locally.
August 2024: The accused faced a GOMOR for allegations of hazing, being AWOL, reckless endangerment, and conduct unbecoming of an officer
Result: Reprimand filed locally, and the accused continues to serve with no adverse information in his permanent file
The accused, a 2LT, initially faced allegations of hazing cadets and going AWOL during the investigation related to his case. During the GOMOR process, the accused was reprimanded for allegations of reckless endangerment and conduct unbecoming an officer. Attorney Willard represented the accused from the investigation phase until the GOMOR filing decision, during which time Attorney Willard helped the accused write detailed responses to both the investigation and GOMOR allegations. As part of the GOMOR process, Attorney Willard also assisted the accused with collecting more than a dozen letters of support and by highlighting the specific details and circumstances of the alleged incident in question related to the accused’s case to successfully advocate for the Commanding General to locally file the GOMOR. After the local filing, the accused was permitted to PCS to continue his active duty service without any adverse information in his AMHRR.
July 2024: The accused received a GOMOR for shoplifting
Result: Locally Filed
The accused, an Army CW2, received a GOMOR for shoplifting from the PX. Attorney Barry drafted the accused's rebuttal matters, which included writing a legal objection memorandum citing the failure to disclose required evidence. The Commanding General agreed with Attorney Barry, ultimately locally filing the GOMOR.
July 2024: The Accused received a GOMOR for sexually harassing two fellow Officers
Result: Withdrawn and Destroyed
The Accused, an Army First Lieutenant, received a reprimand for sexually harassing two fellow Officers. Attorney Gittleman recognized that the Accused’s rights were violated as part of the investigation and appealed the results of the investigation itself. After submitting a lengthy appeal of the investigation and rebuttal to the reprimand, Attorney Gittleman convinced the Commanding General to withdraw and destroy the reprimand.
July 2024: The accused received a GOMOR for assault
Result: GOMOR Transferred to the Restricted Section of his AMHRR
The accused, an Army CPT, previously received a GOMOR for allegedly biting a fellow Officer. Attorney Barry was retained years later and assisted the accused in collecting additional evidence, as well as letters of support, demonstrating that the purpose of the GOMOR had been served and that it was in the best interests of the Army to transfer the GOMOR to restricted section. Ultimately, the DASEB agreed and the GOMOR was transferred.
June 2024: The accused received a GOMOR for assault and fraternization
Result: Locally Filed
The accused, an Army WO1, was reprimanded for assault and fraternization. The allegations stemmed from a night out in Korea. The WO1 was accused of touching numerous junior Soldiers inappropriately and fraternizing with them at a bar. Attorney Barry drafted the accused's rebuttal, pointing out legal error in the investigation as well as the innocuous nature of the accused's actions. Despite the seriousness of the accusations, the GOMOR was locally filed and the accused continues to serve with no adverse information in his AMHRR.
June 2024: The accused received a GOMOR for Sexually Harassing a Senior Officer
Result: GOMOR Transferred to the Restricted Section of his AMHRR
The accused, an Army MAJ, previously received a GOMOR for sexually harassing a Senior Officer. Attorney Barry helped the accused collect additional evidence and drafted his GOMOR Appeal to the DASEB. The DASEB ultimately agreed with Attorney Barry and the GOMOR was transferred to the restricted section of his AMHRR.
May 2024: The Accused received a GOMOR for DUI.
Result: Locally Filed
The Accused, an Army Private First Class, received a GOMOR for driving under the influence of alcohol. Attorney Gittleman assisted the Accused in writing his rebuttal matters, explaining the situation and mitigating circumstances. The Commanding General filed the reprimand locally.
May 2024: The accused received a GOMOR for fraternization and counterproductive leadership
Result: Locally Filed
The accused, an active duty 1LT, received a GOMOR for fraternization and counterproductive leadership. The allegations occurred while the accused was deployed to Kuwait as part of the Theater Support Command (TSC). Attorney Barry collected additional evidence and drafted the accused's rebuttal, demonstrating numerous exaggerations and falsehoods contained in the investigation. Attorney Barry also demonstrated how the accused's home station Command supported her and that the TSC had lost the authority to file the GOMOR. Ultimately, the GOMOR was filed locally and the accused was allowed to continue to serve without any adverse information in her AMHRR.
April 2024: The accused received a GOMOR for violating general order number 1
Result: Locally Filed
The accused, an active duty 1LT, received a GOMOR for violating general order number 1. Specifically, the GOMOR referenced having a higher blood alcohol content than was allowed and for having a photo of himself in uniform on his tinder profile. Attorney Barry collected additional evidence and drafted the accused's rebuttal, calling into question the integrity of the primary accuser and demonstrating that there was nothing wrong with the accused's tinder profile. The GOMOR was locally filed allowing the accused to continue to serve without any adverse information in his AMHRR.
April 2024: The accused received a GOMOR for sexual harassment and for an inappropriate relationship
Result: Rescinded
The accused, an active duty MSG, received a GOMOR for sexual harassment and for an inappropriate relationship. Attorney Barry collected additional evidence and drafted the accused's rebuttal, arguing that the conduct in question did not meet the definition of sexual harassment. After reading the accused's rebuttal, the CG rescinded the initial GOMOR and re-issued it without the allegation of sexual harassment. By doing so, the accused will avoid the mandatory initiation of separation.
April 2024: The accused received a GOMOR for sexual harassment, fraternization, and extramarital sexual conduct
Result: While the Commanding General permanently filed the accused’s reprimand based on allegations of fraternization and extramarital sexual conduct, the Commander rescinded all prior allegations of sexual assault that were included in the initial reprimand. The accused continues to serve without facing mandatory separation proceedings.
The accused, a SGT, was reprimanded for allegations of sexual assault, fraternization and extramarital sexual conduct with a Junior Enlisted Soldier. Attorney Willard represented the accused throughout the GOMOR process, during which time Attorney Willard provided the accused with timely advice and assistance regarding the allegations in his case. Attorney Willard also assisted the accused with drafting a very detailed response to the accusations in his case and helped collect necessary evidence, including two dozen support letters for inclusion in the final response. While the Commander permanently filed a reissued and redrafted GOMOR in the accused’s file, the Commander removed all references to the allegations of sexual assault after reviewing the accused’s response matters. Therefore, the accused did not face mandatory separation and continues to serve with his unit in the military.
March 2024: The accused received a GOMOR for forging a course certificate
Result: Rescinded and Destroyed
The accused, an active duty CPT and Medical Doctor, received a GOMOR for allegedly forging a course certificate. Attorney Barry collected additional evidence demonstrating that the accused had taken the course as a walk-on and that it was very possible that the reason that the accused's certificate was done improperly was because of a mistake and not an intentional act. Attorney Barry also drafted the accused's rebuttal, resulting in the GOMOR being withdrawn and destroyed.
March 2024: The accused received a Reprimand for sexual harassment against a trainee
Result: Reprimand locally filed and the accused continued to serve without adverse information in his permanent file
The accused, a SSG with nearly twenty years of military service, was reprimanded for alleged sexual harassment against a trainee. Attorney Willard worked with the accused to collect additional evidence and submit a detailed response on his behalf while also utilizing the accused’s past two decades of honorable service to convince the Convening Authority to locally file the Reprimand. The accused was allowed to continue his service without any adverse information in his AMHRR.
March 2024: The accused received a GOMOR for assaulting a commissioned Officer
Result: Locally Filed
The accused, an active duty SFC, received a GOMOR for allegedly assaulting a Commissioned Officer (MAJ) during a night out. Attorney Barry collected additional statements from an eye witness and other individuals who had knowledge of the MAJ in question being violent and inappropriate in the past. After reading the GOMOR Rebuttal and additional evidence, the General appointed an investigation into the MAJ and locally filed the accused's GOMOR.
February 2024: The accused, an active duty CW4, had a GOMOR filed in his AMHRR in 2023 for driving while intoxicated
Result: Reprimand Transferred to Restricted File
The accused, an active duty CW4, had a GOMOR filed in his AMHRR in 2023 for driving while intoxicated. Attorney Barry assisted the accused with a GOMOR appeal, highlighting subsequent events for the DASEB that occurred since the GOMOR was filed. The DASEB agreed with Attorney Barry and moved the GOMOR to the restricted section of the accused's OMPF.
February 2024: The accused, an active duty CW3, was issued a GOMOR for sexual harassment, harassment, and for having an inappropriate relationship
Result: Although the Commanding General filed the accused’s reprimand permanently for an allegation of an inappropriate relationship, the commander rescinded all prior allegations of sexual harassment and harassment that were initially included in the reprimand. The accused continues to serve without facing mandatory elimination proceedings.
The accused, a CW3, was reprimanded for allegations of sexual harassment, harassment and an inappropriate relationship with an NCO. Attorney Willard represented the accused from the investigation and throughout the GOMOR process, during which time Attorney Willard provided the accused with timely advice and assistance. As part of the GOMOR process, Attorney Willard worked with the accused to provide a detailed response related to the accusations, as well as collect necessary evidence and numerous support letters for inclusion in the final response. While the Commanding General filed the GOMOR permanently, the Commander removed all references to the allegations of sexual harassment and harassment after thoroughly reviewing the accused’s response matters. Therefore, the accused did not face mandatory elimination and continues to serve on active duty.
January 2024: The accused received a GOMOR for failures to report, substandard performance of duty, and violation of lawful orders
Result: Locally Filed
The accused, an Army CPT and JAG, received a GOMOR for multiple failures to report, substandard performance of duty, and violation of lawful orders. Attorney Barry drafted the accused's GOMOR rebuttal, pointing out that the failures to report were being exaggerated and that the accused genuinely wanted to do better but was not receiving proper mentorship. Ultimately, the CG agreed with the accused, locally filed the GOMOR, and unflagged him.
December 2023: The accused received a GOMOR for driving while intoxicated
Result: Locally Filed
The accused, an Army 2LT, received a GOMOR for driving while intoxicated on his way to work. Attorney Barry collected additional evidence and drafted the accused's rebuttal, demonstrating the sincere and extensive efforts that the accused had done to ensure that he would never abuse alcohol again. Despite being at Fort Campbell and receiving a DUI, the accused's GOMOR was locally filed.
October 2023: The accused received a GOMOR for drinking alcohol in excess of the .08 BAC limit
Result: Locally Filed
The accused, a 1LT, was reprimanded for allegations of violating GO-1 for drinking alcohol in excess of the .08 BAC limit. Attorney Willard represented the accused from the investigation until the GOMOR filing decision. During that time, Attorney Willard advised the accused throughout the investigative process and helped the accused submit an appropriate statement during the investigation. During the GOMOR process, Attorney Willard also assisted the accused with drafting his response, collecting numerous letters of support and by highlighting the accused’s self-report of the situation, as well as his prior honorable service, to successfully advocate for the Commanding General to locally file the GOMOR. The accused was allowed to continue his active duty service without any adverse information in his AMHRR.
October 2023: The accused received a GOMOR for being drunk in violation of General Order Number 1
Result: Locally Filed
The accused, a MAJ, received a GOMOR after being so drunk while deployed that he puked in the barracks. Attorney Barry drafted the accused's rebuttal matters resulting in a locally filed GOMOR.
October 2023: The accused received a GOMOR for a DUI
Result: Locally Filed
The accused, an Army SSG, received a GOMOR for driving while intoxicated. Attorney Barry drafted the accused's rebuttal, convincing the General to delay his filing decision for a period of 6 months. The accused did well during this 6-month delay, and the GOMOR was ultimately locally filed.
October 2023: The Accused received a GOMOR for using a racist term, counterproductive leadership, and using abusive language towards subordinates.
Result: Locally Filed
The Accused, an Army Captain, received a reprimand for using a racist term, counterproductive leadership, and using abusive language. Attorney Gittleman submitted a legal memorandum pointing out bias in the investigating officer, motives to fabricate from the complaining witnesses, and a long list of missing information from the investigation. Additionally, Attorney Gittleman submitted statements from unbiased witnesses supporting the Accused’s side. The Commanding General filed the reprimand locally.
August 2023: The Accused received a GOMOR for pointing a firearm at his spouse
Result: Locally Filed
The Accused, an Army Private First Class, received a GOMOR for allegedly pointing a firearm at his spouse. Attorney Gittleman investigated the case further, and submitted statements from both his spouse and a witness stating that the Accused did not point a firearm at her. The Commanding General filed the reprimand locally.
August 2023: The Accused received a GOMOR for hitting his son
Result: Locally Filed
The Accused, an Army Specialist, received a GOMOR for physically hitting his son. Attorney Gittleman assisted the accused in preparing his rebuttal matters, including the fact that it was a one-time event that occurred while the Accused was asleep or nearly asleep. The Commanding General filed the reprimand locally.
August 2023: The accused received a GOMOR for a violation of the Army's Off Duty Employment Policy
Result: Withdrawn and Destroyed
The accused, an Army LTC and Doctor, received a GOMOR for a violation of the Army's Off Duty Employment Policy. Attorney Barry drafted the accused's rebuttal, collecting additional evidence that demonstrated the the accused was acting with pure intentions. Attorney Barry also prepared the accused for an open-door meeting with the Commanding General. Ultimately the General agreed with Attorney Barry, and the GOMOR was withdrawn and destroyed.
July 2023: The accused faced separation due to a GOMOR in his AMHRR
Result: Accused Selectively Continued to Serve until he Reached Retirement Eligibility
The accused, an Army MAJ, faced separation due to non-selection for promotion because of a GOMOR in his AMHRR. Attorney Barry drafted the accused's GOMOR Appeal. While the Appeal was ultimately unsuccessful, the accused was selected to continue to serve until he reached retirement eligibility.
May 2023: The accused, a Reserve 1LT, had a GOMOR filed in her AMHRR in 2020 based on an allegation that she forged an official document and then lied about it to her command. The accused was previously considered for promotion to Captain but was passed over due to the GOMOR in her file. The accused sought to have her GOMOR transferred from the official section of her AMHRR to the restricted file.
Result: Reprimand Transferred to Restricted File
Attorney Willard conducted a thorough review of the accused’s case and worked with her to help draft a strong response for the DASEB’s consideration. Attorney Willard also assisted the accused with collecting several support letters from several Army senior commanders include with the accused’s submission. Ultimately, the DASEB determined that the purpose of the GOMOR had been served, and the Board granted the accused’s request to transfer the GOMOR to her restricted file. The accused continues to serve with no adverse information in the performance section of her AMHRR.
April 2023: The accused, a MSG, received a reprimand for allegedly fraternizing and singling out female Junior Enlisted Soldiers in his unit.
Result: Reprimand Locally Filed
Attorney Willard represented the accused from the onset of the investigation, during which time he diligently reviewed all witness statements and worked with the accused to collect additional statements and evidence to appropriately respond to the allegations. Attorney Willard also helped draft a detailed GOMOR response, which ultimately led the accused’s Commanding General to locally file the GOMOR. The accused now continues his military service without any adverse information in his AMHRR.
April 2023: The accused, a Reserve Captain, had a GOMOR filed in his AMHRR in 2010 based on an allegation that he was the senior-ranking Soldier present at the time of an accidental death involving another Soldier. The accused was previously considered for promotion to Major but was passed over due to the GOMOR in his file. The accused sought to have the GOMOR transferred from the official section of his AMHRR to the restricted file.
Result: Reprimand transferred to restricted file
Attorney Willard conducted a thorough analysis of the accused’s case and worked with the accused to draft a strong response for the DASEB. Attorney Willard also assisted the accused with collecting several support letters from senior leaders in the Army to include with the submission. The DASEB ultimately determined the purpose of the GOMOR had been served, and the DASEB granted the accused’s request to transfer his GOMOR to his restricted file. The accused continues to serve with no adverse information in the performance section of his AMHRR.
April 2023: The accused received a GOMOR for racial discrimination and for making threats
Result: Reprimand Locally Filed
The accused, an Army Major, received a GOMOR for racial discrimination and for making threats. Attorney Barry collected additional evidence and statements and highlighted the lack of firsthand information and conflicting statements. Despite the serious nature of the allegations, the GOMOR was filed locally.
April 2023: The accused received a GOMOR for fraud and a false official statement
Result: Reprimand Locally Filed
The accused, an Army CW3, received a GOMOR for fraud and a false official statement from an incident years prior. Attorney Barry drafted the accused's GOMOR rebuttal, highlighting that the chain of command at the time of the incident was fully aware of his conduct and actually directed him to do what he did. The reprimand was locally filed.
March 2023: The accused received a GOMOR for counterproductive leadership
Result: Reprimand Locally Filed
The accused, an Army CPT and Company Commander, received a GOMOR for counterproductive leadership relating to her handling of an alleged sexual assault victim complaint. Attorney Barry collected additional statements, demonstrating that the alleged victim lied about multiple topics relating to the accused's conduct. The GOMOR was locally filed after the CG reviewed the GOMOR Rebuttal that Attorney Barry drafted.
March 2023: The accused received a GOMOR for an alleged inappropriate relationship with a junior Soldier
Result: Reprimand Locally Filed
The accused, an Army 1LT who was a Company Commander, received a GOMOR for an alleged inappropriate relationship with a junior Soldier in his Company. Attorney Barry drafted the accused's GOMOR Rebuttal, highlighting the errors that the investigating officer committed and the lessons that the accused learned. Ultimately, the CG agreed with the accused, locally filing the GOMOR and allowing him to continue to serve without any adverse information in his AMHRR.
March 2023: The accused received a GOMOR for an alleged inappropriate relationship with a junior Soldier
Result: Reprimand Locally Filed
The accused, an Army WO1, received a GOMOR for an alleged sexual relationship with a junior enlisted Soldier. Attorney Barry collected additional evidence and statements, demonstrating that the accused was actually the second person accused of the exact same allegation, calling into question several statements and their credibility. Ultimately, due to the additional statements collected, the CG locally filed the GOMOR and allowed the accused to continue to serve with no adverse information in his AMHRR.
February 2023: The accused received a GOMOR for an alleged inappropriate relationship with a married NCO
Result: Reprimand Locally Filed
The accused, an Army CW3, received a GOMOR for an alleged inappropriate relationship with a married NCO. Attorney Barry assisted the accused with his GOMOR Rebuttal, collecting additional evidence and demonstrating the flaws in the supporting investigation. After meeting with the accused under his open-door policy, the CG ultimately locally filed the GOMOR, allowing him to serve with no derogatory information in his AMHRR.
February 2023: The accused, a CPT, was reprimanded for allegedly engaging in an inappropriate relationship with another officer.
Result: Reprimand filed locally and the accused allowed to continue service with no adverse information in his permanent file
Attorney Willard thoroughly investigated the case, reviewed witness statements, and worked with the accused to collect additional statements and mitigating evidence to appropriately respond to the allegations. Attorney Willard helped draft a thorough GOMOR response, which ultimately led the accused’s Commanding General to locally file the GOMOR as long as the accused stays out of trouble for the next six months. The accused now continues in his military service without any adverse information in his AMHRR.
February 2023: The accused, a SSG, had a GOMOR filed in his AMHRR when he was still a SGT back in 2012 based on an allegation of driving under the influence. The accused was later promoted, he received successive favorable evaluations following the GOMOR, and he sought to have the GOMOR transferred from the official portion of his AMHRR to the restricted portion.
Result: Reprimand Transferred to Restricted Section of AMHRR
Attorney Willard thoroughly reviewed the accused’s case, investigated the mitigating and extenuating circumstances involved, assisted the accused in attaining support letters from Commissioned and Noncommissioned Officers, and helped the accused draft a strong response covering his performance, awards and accolades over the past ten years following the GOMOR filing. The DASEB ultimately concluded that the purpose of the GOMOR had been served, and the board by unanimous decision voted to transfer the GOMOR to the accused’s restricted file in his AMHRR. The accused continues to serve with no adverse information in the performance portion of his AMHRR.
February 2023: The accused received a GOMOR for driving while intoxicated
Result: GOMOR Transfer to the Restricted Section of her AMHRR
The accused, an Army CPT, received a GOMOR for driving while intoxicated. Attorney Barry drafted the accused's application to the Department of the Army Suitability Evaluation Board (DASEB), highlighting that the intended purpose of the GOMOR had been served and that it was in the best interest of the Army to transfer it to the restricted section of the accused's AMHRR. The DASEB agreed with Attorney Barry and the GOMOR was transferred.
January 2023: The accused received a GOMOR for violating the Equal Opportunity Program
Result: Reprimand Withdrawn and Destroyed
The accused, an Army SSG, was issued a letter of reprimand for allegedly making comments that violated the Army's Equal Opportunity Program. Attorney Barry assisted the accused with his rebuttal, highlighting integrity issues with the primary complainant as well as legal errors that were committed by the investigating officer and Brigade legal office. Ultimately, the reprimanded was withdrawn and destroyed just 2 days after the accused's rebuttal was submitted and the accused was allowed to continue to serve with no bad paper in his AMHRR.
January 2023: The accused received a GOMOR for cheating on an exam
Result: Reprimand Rescinded
The accused, an Army WO1 Pilot, received a GOMOR for cheating on an exam as part of a larger cheating scandal. Attorney Barry collected additional evidence and drafted the rebuttal for the accused, arguing that he was never actually caught cheating and that the allegations amounted to nothing more than speculation. The accused was one of only two officers involved that had their reprimands rescinded.
January 2023: The accused received a GOMOR for being AWOL
Result: Reprimand transferred to the restricted section
The accused, an Army 1LT, received a GOMOR for being AWOL while in-processing. Attorney Barry assisted the accused in gathering additional evidence after his GOMOR was already filed in his AMHRR. Attorney Barry drafted a GOMOR Appeal to the DASEB, ultimately resulting in the GOMOR being transferred to the restricted section of his military record. The accused was also promoted.
January 2023: The accused received a GOMOR for counterproductive leadership
Result: Reprimand withdrawn and destroyed
The accused, an Army LTC, received a GOMOR for counterproductive leadership while deployed to Kuwait. Attorney Barry collected additional evidence for the accused, including a letter of support from the accused's home-station O6 level Commander. Attorney Barry also drafted a legal rebuttal for the accused, demonstrating that the issuing General was not the filing authority. Ultimately, the GOMOR was withdrawn and destroyed.
January 2023: The accused received a GOMOR for possessing and distributing illegal drugs to Soldiers and for making an inappropriate comment
Result: Reprimand Locally Filed
The accused, an Army 1LT, was reprimanded for growing, possessing, and selling illegal mushrooms to junior enlisted Soldiers. He was also reprimanded for making an inappropriate comment in violation of the EO program during a briefing he was conducting. Attorney Barry drafted the accused's rebuttal, highlighting the cursory nature of both investigations and the evidence that was not collected and exploited. The accused's reprimand was locally filed.
December 2022: The accused received a GOMOR for having an inappropriate relationship with an Officer
Result: Reprimand Locally Filed after a 6-month Probationary Period
The accused, an Army E4, was reprimanded for having an inappropriate relationship with an Officer. Although it was true there was an inappropriate relationship, Attorney Barry pointed out that the accused was mislead regarding the standard and demonstrated that members of the chain of command knew about and condoned the relationship. The General understood the mitigating circumstances and the accused's GOMOR will be locally filed after a 6-month probationary period.
November 2022: The accused received a GOMOR for making inappropriate comments and for sexual harassment of a subordinate
Result: Reprimand Locally Filed
The accused, an Army CPT, received a GOMOR for making inappropriate comments and for sexually harassing her subordinate officer. Attorney Barry assisted the accused with her rebuttal, collecting additional evidence that demonstrated that the comments were being exaggerated and that the subordinate officer had previously stated that he was going to get the accused fired. The rebuttal was locally filed.
October 2022: The Accused received a GOMOR for DUI and drunk in possession of a firearm
Result: Locally Filed
The Accused, an Army Staff Sergeant, received a GOMOR for driving under the influence of alcohol. The Accused was drinking at a friend’s house and stayed the night. He went out to his car to get his phone charger, but fell asleep. The keys were in the vehicle, but the car was not running. The police found him asleep behind the wheel and arrested him. Attorney Gittleman submitted a legal memorandum arguing that he was not operating the vehicle, and the Commanding General filed the reprimand locally.
October 2022: The Accused received a GOMOR for DUI and drunk in possession of a firearm
Result: Locally Filed
The Accused, an Army Private First Class, was received a GOMOR for driving under the influence of alcohol and possessing a firearm. Attorney Gittleman assisted the Accused in preparing his rebuttal matters. This included pointing out his low breath alcohol content, which would not have been arrestable if he were over the age of 21. The Commanding General filed the reprimand locally.
September 2022: The accused received a GOMOR for an inappropriate relationship with two initial entry trainees
Result: Reprimand Locally Filed
The accused, an Army CPT, received a GOMOR for his interactions with two initial entry trainees. The accused was reprimanded for asking personal questions, buying food, offering car rides, and attempting to exchange contact information with the two trainees. Attorney Barry assisted the accused with his rebuttal, pointing out the innocent intent of the accused and several extenuating circumstances that the IO overlooked. Ultimately, after meeting with the accused, the Commanding General agreed to locally file the GOMOR.
September 2022: The Accused received a GOMOR for dereliction of duty.
Result: Locally Filed
The Accused, an Army Captain, received a GOMOR for dereliction of duty when he failed to enforce a no drinking order on an exercise. Attorney Gittleman assisted the Accused in drafting his rebuttal matters, and the Commanding General filed the reprimand locally.
September 2022: The Accused received a GOMOR for having an inappropriate relationship
Result: Locally Filed
The Accused, an Army First Lieutenant, received a GOMOR for having an inappropriate relationship with another officer while she was married. Attorney Gittleman helped the Accused draft a rebuttal statement, pointing out both matters in mitigation as well as the harassing conduct of the other officer towards her since then. The Commanding General filed the reprimand locally.
September 2022: The Accused received a GOMOR for DUI
Result: Locally Filed
The Accused, an Army Sergeant, received a GOMOR for driving under the influence of alcohol. Attorney Gittleman assisted the Accused in preparing his rebuttal matters, and explaining the mitigating circumstances including an event that caused the Accused serious emotional distress which led to his drinking that night. The Commanding General filed the reprimand locally.
September 2022: The Accused received a GOMOR for DUI
Result: Reprimand Locally Filed
The Accused, an Army Staff Sergeant, received a GOMOR for driving under the influence of alcohol. Attorney Gittleman prepared a legal memorandum explaining the issues with the case, including doubt as to whether or not the Accused was actually in control of his vehicle while he was intoxicated. Additionally, Attorney Gittleman provided witness statements not included in the official investigation. The Commanding General agreed with Attorney Gittleman, and filed the reprimand locally.
September 2022: The accused received a GOMOR for being AWOL
Result: Reprimand Locally Filed
The accused, an Army CPT, received a GOMOR for going AWOL while taking part in the Army Career Skills Program (CSP). Attorney Barry assisted the accused with his rebuttal, helping him collect additional evidence demonstrating that he was not attempting to deceive anyone and truly was unaware of the pass policy while being part of the CSP. The Commanding General ultimately agreed with the mitigating circumstances of the violation, resulting in a local filing.
August 2022: The accused received a GOMOR for sexual harassment and inappropriate relationships
Result: Reprimand Rescinded
The accused, an Army MAJ, received a GOMOR for alleged sexual harassment and inappropriate relationships. Attorney Barry not only drafted a rebuttal for the accused, but drafted a legal memo detailing due process violations that occurred in violation of AR 15-6. The GOMOR was rescinded.
July 2022: The accused received a GOMOR for abusing prescription medication
Result: Reprimand Rescinded
The accused, an Army CW5, received a GOMOR for using expired medication. Attorney Barry worked with the accused to put together a thorough GOMOR rebuttal and prepare her for three separate open-door meetings to advocate her position. Ultimately, all levels of Command recommended that the GOMOR be rescinded, which the GOMOR issuing authority subsequently did.
July 2022: After successfully getting his GOMOR transferred to his restricted file, the accused was promoted to the rank of O4.
Result: The Accused was promoted to O4
The accused, a one-time non-select Captain, previously worked with Attorney Willard to successfully transfer a GOMOR from the accused’s permanent file to his restricted file in December 2021. A few months later in July 2022, the accused had his second look at promotion and was promoted to the rank of O4.
July 2022: The Accused received a GOMOR for DUI
Result: Locally Filed
The Accused, an Army Specialist, received a GOMOR for driving under the influence of alcohol. Attorney Gittleman assisted the Accused in preparing his rebuttal matters, including explaining that while he was in the vehicle with the engine running, he did not drive and had no intention to drive. The Commanding General filed the reprimand locally.
July 2022: The Accused received a GOMOR for DUI
Result: Locally Filed
The Accused, an Army Sergeant, received a GOMOR for driving under the influence of alcohol. Attorney Gittleman assisted the Accused in writing his rebuttal matters, explaining the situation and mitigating circumstances. The Commanding General filed the reprimand locally.
July 2022: The accused received a letter of reprimand for sexual harassment
Result: Reprimand Locally Filed
The accused, an Army CW3, received a letter of reprimand for repeated sexual harassment towards his subordinates. Attorney Barry gathered additional evidence relating to the complainant's character, as well as additional statements from other witnesses, to demonstrate that many of the accusations made against the accused were fabricated. Ultimately, the reprimand stayed at the BDE level and was not filed in the accused's AMHRR.
May 2022: The accused received a GOMOR for falsifying an APFT/Height and Weight Card and pressuring a Junior Soldier to sign it
Result: Reprimand Transferred to the Accused's Restricted file
The accused received a GOMOR for falsifying an APFT/Height and Weight Card and pressuring a Junior Soldier to sign it. Attorney Barry assisted the accused in gathering numerous letters of support and successfully advocated to the Department of the Army Suitability Evaluation Board to get the GOMOR transferred to the accused's restricted file.
April 2022: The accused, a SGT, was reprimanded for allegedly becoming violent and verbally abusive while intoxicated at an off-duty party where the command alleged that the accused threatened other people and shoved a female 1LT.
Result: Reprimand filed locally and the accused was allowed to continue service without any adverse information in his permanent file
Attorney Willard thoroughly investigated the case, reviewed witness testimony, and worked with the accused to collect additional extenuating and mitigating evidence to appropriately respond to the serious allegations in the case. Attorney Willard zealously advocated for a local filing on the accused’s behalf, utilizing the additional evidence and supporting statements from the accused’s peers and Senior Leaders to convince the accused’s Commanding General to locally file the GOMOR. The accused was allowed to continue his service without any adverse information in his AMHRR.
April 2022: The Accused received a GOMOR for displaying toxic leadership
Result: Locally Filed
The Accused, an Army Staff Sergeant, received a GOMOR for displaying toxic leadership after an AR 15-6 investigation. Attorney Gittleman assisted the Accused in drafting a memorandum explaining the situation, and the reasons for her actions. The Commanding General filed the reprimand locally.
April 2022: The Accused received a GOMOR for DUI
Result: Locally Filed
The accused, an Army PV2, received a GOMOR for driving under the influence of alcohol on post. Attorney Gittleman drafted both the accused’s rebuttal matters as well as a legal memorandum citing the failure of military police to substantiate that the Accused was in fact intoxicated. The Commanding General agreed with Attorney Gittleman, ultimately filing the GOMOR locally.
April 2022: The accused received a GOMOR for using racist language
Result: Reprimand filed locally and the accused was allowed to continue service without any adverse information in her permanent file
The accused, a bi-racial Army Officer, received a reprimand for using racist language. Attorney Barry assisted the accused with her rebuttal, pointing out the Command's racism in their accusations as well as heavily mitigating circumstances that were previously unknown. The accused was unflagged and allowed to continue her career with no adverse information in her OMPF.
March 2022: The accused, a company commander, was reprimanded for allegations of engaging in counterproductive leadership
Result: Reprimand filed locally and the accused allowed to continue service without any adverse information in his permanent file
Attorney Willard thoroughly investigated the accused’s case and worked with the accused to collect additional evidence to appropriately respond to the serious allegation in the reprimand. Attorney Willard zealously advocated for a local filing on the accused’s behalf, utilizing the evidence and supporting statements the accused received from his peers and Senior Leaders to successfully achieve a local filing. The accused was allowed to continue serving as company commander without any adverse information in his AMHRR.
March 2022: The accused, a Captain eligible for promotion to Major, had a GOMOR filed in her AMHRR in 2020 based on an allegation of unauthorized international travel.
Result: Reprimand Transferred to the Restricted File
Attorney Willard conducted a thorough review of the accused’s case and military records, and he worked with the her to draft a strong response for the DASEB while also assisting her to collect various support letters from senior Army leaders to include as part of the submission. The DASEB ultimately determined the purpose of the GOMOR had been served, and the DASEB granted the accused’s request to transfer her 2020 GOMOR to the restricted portion of her AMHRR. The accused continues to serve with no adverse information in the performance portion of her AMHRR.
March 2022: The accused, a SSG, had a GOMOR filed in his AMHRR in 2019 based on an allegation of driving under the influence.
Result: Reprimand Transferred to the Restricted File
Attorney Willard thoroughly reviewed the accused’s case, particularly the significant mitigating and extenuating circumstances involved, and assisted the accused by providing a strong response along with support letters from senior Enlisted Soldiers for the DASEB. The DASEB concluded that the purpose of the GOMOR had been served, and that the accused’s actions and conduct these past several years warranted the transfer of the GOMOR to the accused’s restricted file in his AMHRR. The accused continues to serve with no adverse information in the official portion of his AMHRR.
March 2022: The accused was issued a General Officer Memorandum of Reprimand for driving while intoxicated
Result: Reprimand Transferred to the Restricted File
The accused, a SFC, received a letter of reprimand in 2019 for driving while intoxicated. It was permanently filed. After successfully defending the accused at a Separation Board, resulting in retention, Attorney Barry assisted the accused in collecting letters of support and drafting a GOMOR Appeal application. Ultimately, the DASEB transferred the GOMOR to the accused's restricted file.
March 2022: The accused was issued a General Officer Memorandum of Reprimand for being drunk and disorderly and making a false statement to a police officer
Result: Reprimand Transferred to the Restricted File
The accused, a SSG, received a letter of reprimand years earlier for being drunk and disorderly and making a false statement to a police officer. Attorney Barry assisted the accused in collecting letters of support and other matters showing that the purpose of the GOMOR had been achieved and that the accused was rehabilitated. The GOMOR was transferred to the restricted section of the accused's OMPF and he was selected for promotion to SFC.
March 2022: The accused was issued a General Officer Memorandum of Reprimand making inappropriate comments
Result: Reprimand Locally Filed
The accused, a SFC already selected for MSG, received a GOMOR for allegedly making inappropriate comments. Attorney Barry assisted the accused with his rebuttal, pointing out that the investigating officer misrepresented a key sworn statement. Ultimately, the Commanding General agreed with Attorney Barry, filing the reprimand in the accused's local file as long as the accused does not get in trouble for 12 months.
March 2022: The Accused received a GOMOR for underage DUI
Result: Locally Filed
The Accused, an Army Private, was arrested for underage DUI. He had no recollection of the events. Attorney Gittleman assisted the Accused in drafting a memorandum explaining the mitigating circumstances, including multiple tragedies within his family and his struggle with alcohol use. The Commanding General filed the reprimand locally.
March 2022: The Accused received a GOMOR for DUI
Result: Locally Filed
The Accused, an Army Private, was arrested for a DUI. Attorney Gittleman assisted the Accused in drafting a memorandum explaining the mitigating circumstances, including the fact that a non-commissioned officer had coerced him into getting behind the wheel. The Commanding General filed the reprimand locally.
March 2022: The accused was issued a General Officer Memorandum of Reprimand for assaulting a fellow Field Grade Officer's Wife
Result: Reprimand Rescinded
The accused, a Field Grade Officer, was reprimanded for assaulting a fellow Field Grade Officer's Wife at a social event. Attorney Barry assisted the accused with numerous written rebuttals, ultimately convincing the Commanding General to rescind the GOMOR, unflag the accused, and rescind any other adverse action taken (referred OER). One of the accused's character witnesses, a retired Four-Star General, commented that the written rebuttal prepared by Attorney Barry was one of the best he had ever seen.
February 2022: The accused was issued a General Officer Memorandum of Reprimand for indecent exposure and assault of a minor
Result: Reprimand locally filed and the accused continued to serve with nothing in his permanent file.
The accused, an Army Master Sergeant, was issued a General Officer Memorandum of Reprimand for indecent exposure and assault of a minor. Attorney Barry effectively advocated for the accused, pointing out that the only people who physically saw the incident in question said it didn't happen. Attorney Barry gathered additional statements and diagrams from individuals that CID would not interview. Ultimately, the General agreed with the accused, filing the reprimand locally.
January 2022: The Accused received a GOMOR for DUI and possession of a firearm while intoxicated
Result: Locally Filed
The Accused, and Army Specialist, was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol and had a handgun in the car with him. Attorney Gittleman assisted the Accused in drafting a memorandum explaining the mitigating circumstances, including a possible problem with the calibration of the breathalyzer. The Commanding General filed the reprimand locally.
January 2022: The accused received a GOMOR for alleged harassment and for violating EO policy
Result: Reprimand locally filed and the accused continued to serve with nothing in his permanent file.
The accused, a SFC, was reprimanded for alleged harassment and a violation of the Equal Opportunity policy for using derogatory language to refer to another Soldier. Attorney Willard thoroughly investigated the case, interviewed other Soldiers in the unit, and worked with the accused to collect additional evidence and appropriate respond t the serious allegations in the case. Attorney Willard zealously advocated for a local filing on the accused's behalf, utilizing the additional evidence and supporting statements from peers and Senior Leaders to convince the Command General to locally file the GOMOR. The accused was allowed to continue to serve without any adverse information in his AMHRR.
December 2021: The accused was issued a GOMOR being drunk and disorderly on duty
Result: Reprimand filed locally and the accused continued to serve with nothing in his permanent file
The accused, a CPT CO CDR, was reprimanded for being drunk and disorderly while on duty. Attorney Willard worked with the accused to collect additional evidence and effectively advocated on his behalf, utilizing the accused’s past 17 years of honorable service and numerous support letters from Senior Officers to convince the Commanding General to locally file the GOMOR. The accused was allowed to continue his service without any adverse information in his AMHRR.
December 2021: The accused was issued a GOMOR for refusing the COVID-19 Vaccine
Result: Reprimand withdrawn and destroyed; the accused continued to serve with nothing in his permanent file
The accused, a junior enlisted Soldier, faced an allegation of disobeying a lawful order for initially refusing to receive his COVID-19 vaccine. Attorney Willard collected additional evidence in the case and effectively advocated on the accused’s behalf to the Commanding General, who ultimately decided to withdraw and destroy the GOMOR. The accused continues to serve on active duty with no adverse information in his AMHRR or unit local file.
December 2021: The Accused received a GOMOR for possession of an unregistered firearm on a military installation
Result: Reprimand transferred to the restricted section of the AMHRR
The Accused, an Army First Lieutenant, was arrested at the gate for possessing an unregistered firearm during a random vehicle inspection. Attorney Gittleman helped the Accused prepare a memorandum explaining the mitigating circumstances and that he did not mean to have the firearm in his vehicle. The Commanding General filed the reprimand locally.
December 2021: The accused, a Reserve Captain, had a GOMOR filed in his AMHRR in 2017 based on an allegation of conduct unbecoming an officer. The accused previously had his first look at Major in 2020 and was passed over due to the GOMOR in his file. The accused sought to have the GOMOR transferred from the official portion of his AMHRR to the restricted portion.
Result: Reprimand transferred to the restricted section of the AMHRR
Attorney Willard conducted a thorough analysis of the accused’s case and military records, worked with the accused to draft a strong response for the DASEB, and assisted the accused with collecting numerous letters of support from senior leaders in the U.S. Army to include with the submission. The DASEB ultimately determined the purpose of the GOMOR had been served, and the DASEB granted the accused’s request to transfer his 2017 GOMOR to the restricted portion of his AMHRR. The accused continues to serve with no adverse information in the performance portion of his AMHRR.
November 2021: The Accused received a GOMOR for DUI
Result: Reprimand locally filed and the accused continued to serve with nothing in his permanent file
The Accused, an Army Private First Class, received a GOMOR for driving under the influence of alcohol. Attorney Gittleman assisted the Accused in writing a memorandum explaining his mitigating circumstances, including mental health issues and neurological issues. The Commanding General filed the reprimand locally.
November 2021: The accused received a GOMOR for violating a General Order and Fraternization
Result: Reprimand locally filed and the accused continued to serve with nothing in his permanent file
The Accused, an Army First Lieutenant, was reprimanded for violating a General Order relating to Coronavirus and fraternization by allegedly drinking in a bar for several hours with a senior enlisted Soldier. Attorney Gittleman wrote a legal memorandum arguing that the establishment she went to was not a bar, which would be a violation of the general order, but rather a restaurant that serves alcohol. Attorney Gittleman also pointed out that this conduct is not necessarily fraternization, since it was a one off event. The Commanding General agreed with Attorney Gittleman and filed the reprimand locally.
November 2021: The accused was issued a general officer memorandum of reprimand for counterproductive leadership and other leadership failures
Result: Reprimand locally filed and the accused continued to serve with nothing in his permanent file
The accused, a company commander, faced allegations of counterproductive leadership, failing to establish a positive leadership climate in his company in violation of AR 600-20, and allegedly demonstrating leader behavior violating “one of the Army’s core leader competencies or Army Values.” Attorney Willard worked with the accused from the time of the AR 15-6 investigation and assisted the accused with a response to the investigation and a separate response to the subsequent GOMOR. Attorney Willard collected additional statements and effectively advocated to the accused’s Commanding General, who ultimately filed the GOMOR locally. The accused continues to serve with no adverse information in his AMHRR.
October 2021: The Accused received a GOMOR for DUI
Result: Locally Filed
The Accused, an Army Private, stopped drinking three hours before a friend asked him for a ride. The Accused was arrested for DUI. Attorney Gittleman assisted the Accused draft a memorandum explaining the mitigating circumstances, including possible repercussions with his pending application for citizenship. The Commanding General filed the reprimand locally.
October 2021: The Accused received a GOMOR for DUI
Result: Locally Filed
The Accused, an Army Private, had an argument with his pregnant spouse after he had been drinking. She left the home. Concerned about his wife, the accused got in his car and started looking for her. He was arrested for DUI. Attorney Gittleman helped the accused draft a memorandum explaining the mitigating circumstances, and the Commanding General filed the reprimand locally.
October 2021: The Accused received a GOMOR for being in a passenger in a vehicle that had an intoxicated driver who was in possession of a weapon, and for dereliction as a non-commissioned officer.
Result: Locally Filed
The accused, an Army Sergeant, was riding as a passenger of a vehicle driven by another Solider. Unknown to her, the driver was intoxicated and in possession of a handgun. The driver was arrested for DUI and weapons charges, and the Accused received a reprimand for not stopping him from driving. Attorney Gittleman wrote a legal memorandum objecting to the reprimand, citing both law and studies relating to intoxication. The Commanding General agreed with Attorney Gittleman, and filed the reprimand locally.
September 2021: The Accused received a reprimand from the Brigade Commander for counterproductive leadership and violating the Army Equal Opportunity Policy.
Result: Locally Filed
The Accused, an Army Sergeant First Class, received a letter of reprimand from his Brigade Commander for using unprofessional language at work. Attorney Gittleman assisted the Accused in writing a memorandum explaining his actions, and the Brigade Commander declined to forward the matter to the Commanding General
August 2021: The accused was issued a general officer memorandum of reprimand for allegedly making racially disparaging remarks and violating the military whistleblower protection act
Result: Reprimand locally filed and the accused continued to serve with nothing in his permanent file
The accused, a SFC Drill Sergeant, was accused of making racially disparaging remarks to trainees and violating the military whistleblower protection act. Attorney Barry collected additional statements and effectively advocated to the Commanding General, who ultimately filed the GOMOR locally. The accused continues to serve with no adverse information in his AMHRR.
July 2021: The accused was given a general officer memorandum of reprimand for driving while intoxicated
Result: Reprimand locally filed and the accused continued to serve with nothing in his permanent file
The accused, a CPT, was reprimanded for driving while intoxicated. Attorney Barry effectively advocated on his behalf, utilizing his chain of command's support to convince the Commanding General to locally file the GOMOR. The accused was allowed to continue to serve without any adverse information in his OMPF.
May 2021: The accused was given a letter of reprimand for allegedly bullying his subordinates
Result: Reprimand maintained locally and the accused returned to a 1SG Billet
The accused, a unit 1SG, was issued a letter of reprimand for allegedly bullying his subordinates. Attorney Barry assisted the accused with his response and in gathering additional evidence that the investigator did not. Ultimately, the accused's reprimand stayed locally filed and he was returned to a 1SG billet without receiving a referred NCOER.
May 2021: The accused was given a general officer memorandum of reprimand for allowing subordinates to drink alcohol in a training area
Result: Reprimand locally filed
The accused, a Company Commander, was issued a GOMOR for allowing his subordinates to drink alcohol in a training area. Attorney Barry assisted the accused in drafting his rebuttal and in collecting letters of support, ultimately resulting in a local filing.
March 2021: The accused was given a general officer memorandum of reprimand for a physical altercation that occurred with a subordinate
Result: Reprimand locally filed and the accused continued to serve with nothing in his permanent file
The accused, a Lieutenant who was previously enlisted, was under investigation for a physical altercation that occurred with a subordinate. Attorney Barry assisted the accused with answering the IO's questions and responding to the letter of reprimand that was ultimately issued. The GOMOR was filed in the accused's local file, allowing him to continue to serve without negative paper in his OMPF.
December 2020: The accused was given a general officer memorandum of reprimand for violating COVID-19 restrictions
Result: Reprimand locally filed and the accused continued to serve with nothing in her permanent file
The accused, a 2LT at BOLC, was reprimanded for violating General Order Number 1 regarding COVID-19 restrictions. Attorney Barry assisted in her response, pointing out the gaps in General Order Number 1 that caused great confusion amongst the other LTs at BOLC. Ultimately, the accused's Command agreed, locally filing the GOMOR and allowing her to continue her career with nothing in her permanent file.
December 2020: The accused was given a general officer memorandum of reprimand for discussing having sex with another Soldier in front of others
Result: Reprimand locally filed and the accused continued to serve with nothing in his permanent file
The Command originally tried to court-martial the accused for sexual assault. After Attorney Barry successfully advocated for those charges to be dismissed, the Command reprimanded the accused with a GOMOR. Attorney Barry assisted him with his rebuttal, ultimately convincing the Commanding General to locally file the GOMOR.
March 2016: The accused was given a general officer letter of reprimand for being a passenger in a car when the driver was arrested for driving while intoxicated.
Result: Reprimand locally filed and the accused continued to serve with nothing in his permanent file.
Attorney Barry advocated for the accused, demonstrating that he did exactly what he was supposed to do and had no idea that his designated driver was intoxicated.
March 2016: The accused was given a general officer letter of reprimand for allegedly driving while intoxicated.
Result: Reprimand locally filed and the accused continued to serve with nothing in his permanent file.
Attorney Barry advocated for the accused, demonstrating that PVT was intoxicated; however, he actually slept in his car that night to avoid driving while intoxicated and that he never put his keys in the ignition.